Kollagen Intensiv

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

What are some things I can do in advance to avoid stretch marks?

Question by Anna: What are some things I can do in advance to avoid stretch marks?
How can I improve my skin's elasticity now so that my skin will be prepared for pregnancy?

Best answer:

Answer by Heather R

Eat a healthy, diverse and balanced diet that keeps your weight gain within the recommended range of 25 to 35 pounds. Excellent nutritional status is vital for your developing baby, but it also contributes to the strength and health of the body’s largest organ: the skin. What’s more, a controlled and steady weight gain, without any wild upward swings, will let your skin stretch at a steady rate without any unexpected jolts.

Use a body brush or wash cloth to massage the areas where you have stretch marks, or want to prevent stretch marks from appearing - this will increase circulation to the area, which may be helpful.

Drink plenty of water. Hydration is important for your overall health and well-being as well as that of your growing baby, and it is critical to healthy skin.

Take your vitamins. This is one more way to ensure proper nutritional status, which is critical for your overall health and well-being, as well as beautiful skin and a healthy baby!

Keep skin liberally and effectively moisturized beginning in the first or second trimester and through your recovery to your pre-pregnancy weight, perhaps with one of the many oils and creams marketed especially for stretch mark prevention. These moisturizers will help keep your skin supple and elastic plus serve as “food” (and vitamin supplements) for your skin. The various vitamins and oils used to create these formulas are designed to help enhance collagen production and support the dermis, to keep skin intact despite the rigorous stretching.

Coco butter lotion is my favorite as well.... Good luck and congratulations!

Add your own answer in the comments!


  1. Many people recommend moisturizing but the truth is that whether or not you get stretch marks is 90% determined by genetics. I used cocoa butter every day of my pregnancy and still ended up with crazy stretch marks. But rather than be upset by them I wear them with honor - my body worked hard for those stretch marks and they serve as a (permanent) reminder of what I am capable of.

  2. Not much. Moisturize but there is nothing you can
    really do to avoid them. The products on the market
    are a waste of money.

  3. sugarplumfaerie52686April 24, 2013 at 10:37 AM

    unfortunately you cannot completely avoid stretch marks...if you are going to get them, no creams will work. There are some creams that are made to help reduce the amount you get though. I think Palmers makes a stretch mark cream if you want to try that. But almost any dr will tell you that if you are prone to stretch marks be prepared to get at least a few

  4. Lots and Lots and Lots of lotion!!! Drink plenty of water and massage lotion into your skin.

    Good Luck :-)

  5. You can't do a whole lot really.

    Your genes and your general skin condition and how prone you are to scarring will play a bigger part, plus how much weight you put on.

    You can try rubbing vitamin E enriched moisturisers onto your belly from the word go, but very, very few women manage to get through a whole pregnancy with no stretch marks. They usually happen right towards the end.

  6. You have to keep it moisturized with Coco Butter lotion, Palmer's makes one for stretch marks. And drink a lot of water to keep it hydrated. It also prevents against itchy skin.

    But sometimes you just can't advoid them...your skin needs extra room.

  7. i used "Palmers Cocoa Butter Massage Stretch Mark Cream" they also have lotion..... some in a tube... and some in a jar.... you can get it at walgreens, walmart, or any baby store.... here's what it looks like....


  8. dont get pregnant. then you wont have to worry about it. the world is overpopulated and we are destroying the planet and an unbelievable pace, so why would you want to bring a child into this mess anyway?

  9. You can't really do a whole lot to avoid stretch marks. Trust me on this, I am 5 days past my due date, I eat healthy, drink lots of fluids, and use three different moisturizers on my skin that have been approved by my dermatoligist and STILL I have gotten a few bad ones here and there. Coco butter doesn't always help either because I tried it and it doesn't work. At first I was mad that I got stretch marks because I take good care of my skin, but then I realized, "hey at least I am blessed enough to be able to have a baby", so it's sorta like a give and take thing. Think of them as battle scars that you earned while dealing with your pregnancy and hang in there. They are easier to get rid of after birth.

  10. You can you some sort of cocoa OIL. The oil helps the stress maks to fade with ur skin. Other than that I don't think that u can really do anything to avoid stretch marks.. I have them all around my tummy. LoL

  11. I use Palmer's Cocoa Butter formula for Stretch marks cream and it's the best cream ever! Use it once or twice a day on your stomach and it really works,even the price is good,it's like 6 bucks. My doctor asked me what am I using because I don't have any stretch marks,she was surpised!

  12. Heather R did a really good job of answering the questions, so I won't repeat everything she says.

    Stretch marks are hereditary, but there are things you can do to help prevent the extent of the scarring (my mother had horrible stretch marks during her pregnancy, and mine were much less severe - and faded more than hers did - and I was pregnant with twins). Again, Heather covered most of these, so I won't repeat.

    You might check out this article for more information:

  13. by using the collagen creams after the delivery and the tranings of the abdomen to help the skin recoil back

  14. I think first of all, is eat healthy and gain only what u need, cause the baby doesn't need Candy and pizza, so if u not gain much more than u need ur skin is not going to stretch a lot. And OIL, put oil in ur skin 3 times a day if possible!!And the true:Is all about ur generic and ur skin type, but u can avoid eating healthy and taking care off ur skin
