Kollagen Intensiv

Saturday, June 1, 2013

What can I take to help my skin stay elastic?

Question by Sarsa Parilla: What can I take to help my skin stay elastic?
I'm entering my later 20s and I would like to take supplements to help keep skin elastic, but I don't know which

Best answer:

Answer by JEAN
Some of the ways that will help your skin stay supple and look younger as you get older would be to stay out of the sun without protection and no tanning beds. Drink plenty of water. Watch your diet. Eat well balanced foods.You make want to apply moisturizer.Personal daily Hygiene is a must You should also develop an exercise program. These things may sound as you'd be working at it all the time but it really does not take that much time and reaping the benefits are great. Keep your mind busy also. Good Luck!.

What do you think? Answer below!

1 comment:

  1. No tanning, including sun and tanning beds, not even slight tanning... tanning is sun damage and will reduce elasticity

    Proper nutrition is very important, including proper and continuous hydration

    Specifically for skin elasticity, you want to eat foods or supplement with things that enhance collagen production.

    Soy products are known for their collagen enhancing abilities. They contain genistein which helps with collagen production and also blocks enzymes that cause skin ageing.

    Dark leafy greens enhance collagen production due to lutein (an antioxidant).

    Vitamin C is important for collagen production.

    Beans help you produce hyaluronic acid which is anti ageing.

    Garlic - contains sulphur, helps build collagen

    Tomatoes - contain lycopene, an antioxidant that prevents collagen destruction

    Omega 3 fatty acid - helps with skin integrity and elasticity. Oily fish, fish oil capsules, flaxseed/linseed oil

    You might want to take zinc supplements if you don't get enough in your diet - important for skin integrity

    Of course you want to have an all-round good and nutritious diet as well, to help everything function properly. A lot of nutrients are synergistic with others, so you basically need overall balanced nutrition. But research suggests that eating extra amounts of these certain foods can help with collagen production and skin health

    and of course, don't forget to keep your skin moisturized with a non alcoholic non synthetic moisturizer... consistent moisture loss leads to permanent skin damage
