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Tuesday, September 17, 2013

How do you remove the appearance of stretch marks?

Question by sunslover_19: How do you remove the appearance of stretch marks?
I have some on my thighs, and was just wondering how get make them less noticeable.

Best answer:

Answer by [R4D] I'm too rad
Well, there are two easy solutions.

1. Rub cocoa butter on.
2. Tanning bed.

Being darker means they are less visible but cocoa butter is used to remove stretchmarks from a woman's pregnancy. Usually it works also for other things other than pregnancy.

Give that a shot :)

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  1. Besides exercize and drinking lots of pure water, the best thing you can do is to get a real live aloe vera plant. The bigger you can afford to keep in your house the better. Cut off a piece that is about two iches by two inches and place the gel on your stretch marks and let dry after about two weeks you should notice them disappearing.

  2. you can use some creams to help reduce or minimize the stretch marks...Brands you can use are Palmers, Mustela, Clarins....I used all three at one time or another during my pregnancy and after - they all helped with minimizing the appearance of the s.marks.

  3. Olive Oil is amazing for stretch marks. After a bath or shower, rub yourself down with olive oil whilst you're still slightly wet-it really helps. I used Olive Oil throughout my pregnancy and didn't have one stretch mark afterwards.

  4. You will not completely get rid of stretch marks however there is products which will lessen the marks try Palmer's Cocoa Butter or better still try Bio-OIL it is very good at lessening stretch marks and scars!

  5. Stretch marks are an inevitable result of pregnancy or rapid weight loss for some men and women. However, the following steps may help you reduce their appearance.
    STEP 1: Brush your skin with a loofah or skin brush when you shower to stimulate circulation. STEP 2: Massage cocoa butter into the stretch marks. STEP 3: Use vitamin E oil on your stretch marks. Massage it into your skin after a shower. STEP 4: Talk to your doctor about using tretinoin cream on stretch marks. It is available by prescription only. STEP 5: Eat foods high in vitamins A, E and C (see Related eHows), or take supplements in addition to your diet. However, pregnant women should avoid taking more than 25,000 IU of vitamin A. STEP 6: Add foods or supplements to your diet that are high in zinc (see Related eHow), which is good for the skin, and silica (beets, brown rice, bell peppers, soybeans, leafy green vegetables and whole grains), which helps form collagen, the supporting fibers in the skin. STEP 7: Eat foods that contain essential fatty acids, which help make cell walls. Essential fatty acids can be found in many vegetables, vegetable oils and fish oils. Tips & Warnings
    Lasers have shown some promise in reducing the appearance of stretch marks. They seem to work best on stretch marks that are still fairly new and are red or purple in color.
    Check your local supermarket or drugstore for commercial creams such as Belly Butter, a moisturizing and replenishing maternity body cream.
    Always consult your doctor or a medical professional before making changes to your diet.

  6. wear clothes,nothing gets rid of them,once the skin is scarred its that way for your life,you can try creams that might make them fade a bit but they are there for your lifetime
