Monday, February 10, 2014
Hands really dry to the point of bleeding?
ok my hands have been getting worse and worse each winter. They are dry, cracked, and yeah they bleed all the time cuz they are so cracked. Any solution? anyone else have the same problem? I try putting some lotion on (its from Bath&body works so i dont think it does much) and it just gets slimy and doesnt help it at all. HELP!!!
Best answer:
Answer by gatoamor82
Eucerin cream works really good. I put on tons of the lotion and then put thin cotton gloves on at night when they get really bad. I have tried Vaseline and it works good too but its greasier.
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Friday, February 7, 2014
Any Doc in the house?
I am a mother to 3 kids and I have breastfed all of them. You can imagine how bad and saggy my breasts are now. I am taking collagen supplements (drink powder) and they purportedly say that is firms saggy skin. Is this really true? I want to know if it's worth my money? Because its soooo expensive. Thanks
Best answer:
Answer by jmensch17
No they are not worth the money.
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Tuesday, February 4, 2014
What helps regenerate skin best?
I've got a couple of scars on my skin. I've heard that stuff like Emu oil, Aloe, and Tamanu Oil help, but I want other opinions. What works best?
Best answer:
Answer by oldtimekid2
There are a couple options... addressing it on the outside and addressing it from the inside. Both are very good and beneficial ways of doing it and you can even do them both at the same time.
You also heard right about the Emu Oil and Aloe, but there are many other options.
For external applications, one thing you can do is to take a 400 IU softgel of Vitamin E, then CAREFULLY poke a hole in it. Squeeze out the oil and spread it out evenly onto the affected area. If you have more than one area that's been affected, spread out the amount that's used evenly to each area, as too much vitamin E can build up to toxic levels in your body.
You can also try soaking your skin in Aloe Vera because that helps to soothe any tissue it touches.
Also, if you would like more benefits, there are some supplements you could take internally to help the health of your skin. Some of the most popular ones are Biotin, Silica (commonly from Horsetail), Emu Oil, Squalene, Borage Oil (specifically for the GLA, Gamma Linoleic Acid), Hyaluronic Acid, MSM, L-Cysteine, Collagen, and most antioxidants (like Vitamins A and C among others).
Good luck!
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Saturday, February 1, 2014
How do you get rid of this??
Well first of all I have these bumpy arms. I have had them for awhile and I would really like to get rid of them and get nice smooth arms. Secondly I used to be pretty chubby. But over the summer I rapidly lost 25 pounds from joining marching band. Now I have discusting noticable strech marks on my upper legs, stomack and on my chest.
Please Help!
Best answer:
Answer by Jennifer Jeter
A doctor can definetly help you with this. Go see a plastic surgon or a dermitologist, possibly.
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Friday, January 17, 2014
How do I get rid of stretch marks?
Due to losing weight, I've got stretch marks on my inner thighs and to make it worse, I've got medium toned skin.
Summer is coming up and I can hardly wear shorts or my bathers!
Help would be appreciated :D
Best answer:
Answer by SKATEferLIFE
my sister had the same problem buy and alavera plant
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Wednesday, January 8, 2014
How do i get rid of a coldsaw ?
anyways i can get rid of mine?
its nasty! and it just appeared today! :(
Best answer:
Answer by Léopoldine
Do you mean a cold "sore"?
If yes, try "Abreva" cream (@Walgreens etc.) it works very well and fast for me.
Otherwise I'd like to help but if it's not a cold "sore"... I don't see what you mean.
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Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Rash on my face from a cleanser i've always used for breakouts?
I've always used Neutrogena Oil-Free Acne Wash when my face breaks out. I just bought a bottle of it a week ago because due to being pregnant my face has been breaking out a bit. But about the third day I used it, a dry skin/itchy red rash broke out around my mouth and chin that sort of burns. Have I developed an allergy to it or is it the hormones from my pregnancy causing it? What can I do to make it go away? Since the rash broke out I've stopped using it.
Thank you!
Best answer:
Answer by Sur La Mer
Take it back to where you bought it.
Stop using it ASAP.
You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs, beauty, personal hygiene, or makeup to the FDA. Visit the FDA MedWatch website or call 1-800-FDA-1088.
Medications, anti-acne products, birth control pills, supplements ALL HAVE SIDE EFFECTS that can do more harm than good.
Any kind of facial wash, you're leaving something toxic behind, it's not a matter of convenience, it's a billion dollar business that can do more harm than good to your acne. And sometimes we feel entirely virtuous about our skin-care regimen because it's full of SPF-- all year round!-- and cleansers and such. But the truth is, we may not realize that we're overdoing (or underdoing) something that can lead to the very thing we're trying to avoid: dryness, breakouts, accelerated aging, New York dermatologist Dr. Jeannette Graf. (I've been giving this same advice for decades, but she's proof enough!).
Take a shower everyday, use washcloth to exfoliate and bath & body wash. Hydrogen peroxide does wonders for acne. Visit their website for more tips & other uses. ONLY $ 1.
Acne medication could worsen what ever allergies you have, so instead of trying out one product after another, you're actually spreading it around.
The less products you use, the better for your skin. Use a bath & body wash like Suave, Irish Spring, Dove Body & Face wash in the shower, use a washcloth. Treat your face like the rest of your body, take a shower everyday or wash your face everyday.
The secret is keeping your face clean and oil-free. I also don't use liquid on my face for anything, and very little moisturizer, not even a dime size. Since my face is not dry. Good skin also comes from your good genes. Increase your fresh fruits & vegetables 3-5 servings per day. And programmed your mind to do this day after day, for the rest of your life.
The beauty industry is a trillion dollar business, they know acne is everyone's problem, but instead of saying soap is drying for you, they have to invent an acne product that can worsen the skin as MANY TEENAGERS have experienced during hormonal change, but as you get older those are completely a waste of time & money!
Sometimes just the oil on your face from make up and lotions, even from your hair can travel to your face causing acne to come out. Others, from stress, hormones & diet or foods.
All the vitamins & minerals you need for good skin care comes from all the healthy foods you eat from Mother Nature.
If acne's a problem, your pillowcases may be part of the cause. "They collect skin oil, dead skin cells, bacteria, and excess night creams," says David Bank, a professional Dermatology @ Columbia University/New York-Presbyterian Hospital. "But if nothing changed by 6 week the product will never work for you. Time to move on."
"If you have breakouts, dairy is the devil' it is inflammatory and will add hormones to your already hormone-rife system. Get calcium elsewhere, or try nonfat organic dairy products. For PMS breakouts, avoid dairy and bakery items the week before your period - sugar and flour are both causes for pimples and collagen." Dr. Jessica Wu, M.D. University of Southern California School of Medicine and author of the new book Feed Your Face.
Lea Michele recently revealed her secret to clear skin—She gives it room to "breathe." "Maybe I'll put on a little mascara. But other than that I try very hard to just let my skin breathe," she told "I care more about letting my skin breathe than how I look."
Another good example is Lily Collins, actor, writer, artist: "When I travel to Europe, I go days without putting anything on. It feels healthier. I just never understood the idea of caking it on. The more you have on your face, the more there is to smudge and go wrong." Glamour - Sept. 2012.
I have 5 decades of great skin care starting @ age 9. My aunt & uncle are doctors.
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Saturday, January 4, 2014
I get dryed face a lot and i was wondering if this soap will reduce my dryness?
I get dry ed out face after wash it and i found this new soap call ed natural care toms body soap and it says you can wash your face with it also it contains jojoba and olive oil and so i was wondering if these oils will cause break outs
Best answer:
Answer by sweet sensimilla
lotion baby lotion and idk and idk
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Wednesday, January 1, 2014
What else boosts your immune system besides onions?
Best answer:
Answer by amber™
echinacea great for the immune system and oranges, lemons..
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plzzzzzzzzz has anyone tried anything whatsoever that faded stretch marks?
plz i need an advice badly! i'm seeing a lot of products and all assures you that you'll get rid of stretch marks but where's the truth? has anyone heard about the stretch marks eraser? it's not a product but more like a method.any information would be helpful.thanx.
Best answer:
Answer by plinkyplonk
bio oil works
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