Kollagen Intensiv

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

What food assists your body to make new collagen!!?

Question by magpie: What food assists your body to make new collagen!!?

to be more specific: what foods help replace collagen?

Best answer:

Answer by pendarvisr
Some like to use glucosamine chondroitin sulfate supplements.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

What are the most powerful antioxants and what kind of free radicals do they destroy?

Question by Sweet Thang: What are the most powerful antioxants and what kind of free radicals do they destroy?

Best answer:

Answer by A1
vit c,e and eating lots of fresh fruit and veggies

What do you think? Answer below!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Getting rid of stretch marks?

Question by Milo: Getting rid of stretch marks?
I've recently lost weight, but I still have stretch marks. What cream works best for getting rid of existing stretch marks?

Best answer:

Answer by Hurricane Laura Jane
There's this great stuff from Palmers. It's called Cocoa Butter Massage Lotion for Stretch Marks. It's cheap and easy to use, you just spread it on after every shower. I believe it has a drawing of a pregnant woman on the bottle.

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Does anyone know how to help stretchmarks fade?

Question by talia: Does anyone know how to help stretchmarks fade?
I'm 16 soon to be 17. And i have horrible stretch marks on my hips! I understand they are normal but i haven't seen anyone with them as bad as how i have them. So my sister told me to go tan outside to help hide them and now they stand out even more! I need to know something that will work. I have time but don't want to wait a couple of months for results. Any suggestions?

Best answer:

Answer by imurfish
I promise you I have them worse. *lol*
They are on my boobs, my stomach, my hips, my back half way up my back and tummy!
Anyway, I need to know the answers too. I know cocoa butter is supposed to help but its a slow process.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

how do i get rid of stretch marks?

Question by Trent2: how do i get rid of stretch marks?
I am 18 years old and have stretch marks on my shoulders and arms from lifting that i would like to reduce to appearance of. I know that I cant get rid of them completely. I have tried the Cocoa Butter in the past and it only made it worse so I stopped using it quickly. I also cannot afford any sort of surgery.

Best answer:

Answer by sieg6529
same thing happened to me. there's this mederma stuff that's supposed to help, but I never got around to trying it. now I'm older and I just don't care anymore.

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What are the most healthy foods a person can eat?

Question by Janet: What are the most healthy foods a person can eat?

Best answer:

Answer by Jade
Anything natural! :-)

What do you think? Answer below!

Monday, November 18, 2013

How long would it take to tone my legs & butt up?

Question by Sam Bam: How long would it take to tone my legs & butt up?
I'm dieting. Walking every other day & trying to get rid of celulite & tighten and tone my butt and thighs. Should I just wait to burn all my fat off & then tone up or just do it all now??

Best answer:

Answer by ClickMaster
Your body will burn more caloires just keeping your core at 98.6degF than you'll burn in a day of walking. And, neither diet nor exercise will make your cellulite disappear. And, the word "tone" has no meaning so you should use words we can understand if you want good answers.

Any exercise will burn calories but no exercise will burn fat unless your diet allows it. You can burn fat in your sleep or you can run all day and never burn any fat. It all depends on your diet.

Fat loss is determined by calorie control, not by exercise. Good exercises for burning calories are speed walking, biking, swimming, and ANY other physical activity which makes you move a lot of weight for a long time. But NO exercise is good for burning fat if you eat too many calories because you can always eat more calories than you can burn.

Too many people waste energy and time because they do not understand this one simple point. The result is too often giving up in frustration, abandoning gym memberships they continue to pay for, and many other unnecessary problems not the least of which is a lack of success.

An average person must walk about five miles every day of the week to burn the calories equivalent to a pound of body fat. So, unless you think walking five miles a day or doing that amount of exercise is for you, focus your fat loss program on diet.

Diet for fat loss. Exercise for fitness.

Here's the sad truth about cellulite. Cellulite is not fat, it's a genetic-based condition involving an uneven distribution of adipose and collagen tissues and once you have it, you will probably have it for life. However, because cellulite involves fat, you may be able to reduce the prominence of it by burning fat. Unfortunately, cellulite seems to present in those areas where fat tends to leave last...buttocks and thighs. So, reducing the cellulite effect will, for most people, require burning excess fat to a very low body fat percent....something which usually means a serious lifestyle change and commitment to proper eating habits for life with no guarantees.

Exercise won't help beyond burning a few more calories so plan your workouts around fitness goals such as excellence in a sport or occupation, strength, endurance, flexibility, systemic fitness, general health and well being, body sculpting, body composition, etc. Don't exercise with the hope it will help make cellulite disappear because it won't.

Here's an excerpt from an article from the US National Institute of Health, the people your doctor listens to.

"A great deal of money is spent by people who want to rid themselves of cellulite, but no amount of weight loss, exercise, massages, wraps, creams, supplements, or surgery has proven to effectively eliminate it once you have it. Liposuction, for instance, is not recommended for cellulite, and may even make it look worse."
Ref: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/002033.htm

You can learn more about cellulite by following the links below.

Good luck and good health!!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

How long will my hair grow 15 points!!?

Question by Faith: How long will my hair grow 15 points!!?
Okay so i want my hair to grow long i got my hair trimmed and i drink alot of water everyday i use main and tail shampoo and conditioner i take vitamin E pills and i massage my scalp everyday.My hair is up to my shoulders how long will it take until its down right under my breasts?

Best answer:

Answer by pippy505
2-3 months

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Saturday, November 9, 2013

How do you get rid of cellulite?

Question by Justme: How do you get rid of cellulite?
Try go into detail please..what food to cut down on and what exercises would be best..

Thankyou in advance.

Best answer:

Answer by ClickMaster
You can't get rid of it.

Here's the sad truth about cellulite. Cellulite is not fat, it's a genetic-based condition involving an uneven distribution of adipose and collagen tissues and once you have it, you will probably have it for life. However, because cellulite involves fat, you may be able to reduce the prominence of it by burning fat. Unfortunately, cellulite seems to present in those areas where fat tends to leave last...buttocks and thighs. So, reducing the cellulite effect will, for most people, require burning excess fat to a very low body fat percent....something which usually means a serious lifestyle change and commitment to proper eating habits for life with no guarantees.

Exercise won't help beyond burning a few more calories so plan your workouts around fitness goals such as excellence in a sport or occupation, strength, endurance, flexibility, systemic fitness, general health and well being, body sculpting, body composition, etc. Don't exercise with the hope it will help make cellulite disappear because it won't.

Here's an excerpt from an article from the US National Institute of Health, the people your doctor listens to.

"A great deal of money is spent by people who want to rid themselves of cellulite, but no amount of weight loss, exercise, massages, wraps, creams, supplements, or surgery has proven to effectively eliminate it once you have it. Liposuction, for instance, is not recommended for cellulite, and may even make it look worse."
Ref: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/002033.htm

Check out these links and see what the experts have to say.

Good luck and good health!!

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Wednesday, November 6, 2013

will colloidial silver clear acne scars?

Question by : will colloidial silver clear acne scars?
i have red spots on my face that id do anything to get red of. does colloidal silver really work? should i get a bara or a supplement or what? also, does it work for stretch marks too?

Best answer:

Answer by oldtimekid2
No. Colloidal Silver specifically should NOT be used topically as that is the #1 misuse that can turn your skin blue or gray. You can see a story about one of the biggest reports of people doing this at http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,317564,00.html (which also shows a picture of how blue he turned by misusing it). Colloidal Silver should be taken internally and in the appropriate doses to help boost the immune system, not to address skin issues.

On the flip side, there are a couple options to help your skin and potentially heal of the scars... addressing it on the outside and addressing it from the inside. Both are very good and beneficial ways of doing it and you can even do them both at the same time.
One thing you can do is to take a 400 IU softgel of Vitamin E, then CAREFULLY poke a hole in it. Squeeze out the oil and spread it out evenly onto the affected area. If you have more than one area that's been affected, spread out the amount that's used evenly to each area, as too much vitamin E can build up to toxic levels in your body.
You can also try soaking your skin in Aloe Vera because that helps to soothe any tissue it touches.

Also, if you would like more benefits, there are some supplements you could take internally to help the health of your skin. Some of the most popular ones are Biotin, Silica (commonly from Horsetail), Squalene, Borage Oil (specifically for the GLA, Gamma Linoleic Acid), Hyaluronic Acid, MSM, L-Cysteine, Collagen, and most antioxidants (like Vitamins A and C among others).
Good luck and I hope I helped!

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How can i get rid of stretch marks and quick cause i feel even though im fat it look worse when i have them?

Question by sam: How can i get rid of stretch marks and quick cause i feel even though im fat it look worse when i have them?

Best answer:

Answer by ny
Stretch Marks
The only true way to really prevent stretch marks is to lose or gain
weight slowly. These lines start out red and then evolve to a white
depressed scar with a different advancement than adjacent tissue.
They are caused by breaking of collagen which then heals with a scar.
You don't have to be pregnant, fat, or big to get them. As a matter
of fact, it is a very common skin condition, but most people who have
them are embarrassed by them and keep them to themselves - some people
have good genetics and some don't when it comes to skin elasticity.
Tips To Reduce Stretch Marks
The following tips may help you reduce their appearance. Surgery is
always a last resort - following these tips could possibly give you
results, but it does take time. Remember secrets to achieve success
are found in your daily routine.
Massage cocoa butter into the stretch marks - or a cream such as
Barmon Stretchmark Cream with Cocoa butter as one of the ingredients.
Exfoliate your skin with a loofah or skin brush when you shower to
stimulate circulation. Doing this removes the dull skin and the dead
cells in the scars that show as stretch marks.
Massage Vitamin E oil or cream on your stretch marks. Rub it into
your skin after a shower. Products such as Rejuvine includes Vitamin E
as one of their ingredients.
Speak to your doctor about prescribing to tretinoin cream (Retin-A).
What Is Tretinoin?
Tretinoin is used to treat acne and aged, sun damaged skin. A study
in the Archives of Dermatology, May 1996, shows that 0.1% tretinoin
significantly improves the appearance of early stretch marks.
Tretinoin works best on stretch marks that are new or enlarging.
Eat foods high in vitamins A, E, C. Also use supplements in addition
to your diet that supplies you with these vitamins. These vitamins
help form collagen - the supporting fibers in the skin.
Zinc - Eat foods high in this or use a supplement such as ZMA. This
vitamin helps form collagen - the supporting fibers in the skin.
EFA's (Essential Fatty Acids), help make cell walls. Essential fatty
acids can be found in many vegetables, vegetable oils and fish oils.
If you don't regularly eat these try supplementing your diet with
Drink lots of water! Make sure that you keep your skin hydrated!
Laser Surgery has shown to be useful in reducing the appearance of
stretch marks. They seem to work best on stretch marks that are still
fairly new and are red or purple in color.

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Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Will the cellulite on my belly go away because Im working out?

Question by Kandy Negro: Will the cellulite on my belly go away because Im working out?
I have a belly fat and I've been working out for about 2 weeks now. When I burn my belly fat will the cellulite burn with it?

Best answer:

Answer by ClickMaster
No. Here's the sad truth about cellulite. Cellulite is not fat, it's a genetic-based condition involving an uneven distribution of adipose and collagen tissues and once you have it, you will probably have it for life. However, because cellulite involves fat, you may be able to reduce the prominence of it by burning fat. Unfortunately, cellulite seems to present in those areas where fat tends to leave last...buttocks and thighs. So, reducing the cellulite effect will, for most people, require burning excess fat to a very low body fat percent....something which usually means a serious lifestyle change and commitment to proper eating habits for life with no guarantees.

Exercise won't help beyond burning a few more calories so plan your workouts around fitness goals such as excellence in a sport or occupation, strength, endurance, flexibility, systemic fitness, general health and well being, body sculpting, body composition, etc. Don't exercise with the hope it will help make cellulite disappear because it won't.

Here's an excerpt from an article from the US National Institute of Health, the people your doctor listens to.

"A great deal of money is spent by people who want to rid themselves of cellulite, but no amount of weight loss, exercise, massages, wraps, creams, supplements, or surgery has proven to effectively eliminate it once you have it. Liposuction, for instance, is not recommended for cellulite, and may even make it look worse."
Ref: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/002033.htm

Check out these links and see what the experts have to say.

Good luck and good health!!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

where can i get a collagen supplement?

Question by Adam: where can i get a collagen supplement?
Like what store(s)? Would a grocery store have it?
@Kat: Mainly skin enhancement

Best answer:

Answer by Kat
need more info to answer-what do you need it for?

What do you think? Answer below!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Does eating soup from chicken feet and rooster combs help knee cartilage?

Question by ik: Does eating soup from chicken feet and rooster combs help knee cartilage?

Best answer:

Answer by oldtimekid2
Yes, it would a bit... but I wouldn't eat the actual feet or comb. A soup with those in it would be okay as long as they are very clean and you can verify that there aren't diseases or any of the bad stuff in them.
The chicken feet wouldn't have too much of a benefit (not much cartilage in them), but the rooster's comb is a good source of Hyaluronic Acid, which helps to lubricate the joints. Also, if you put the breast bone into the pot the soup is being made in, you can get some added benefit because the sternal cartilage is a good source of collagen that can help with joint health.
Alternately, you could also buy these in supplement form so you wouldn't have to drink as much soup or have to go through the hassle of preparing it... but it's up to you where you get it from. Good luck!

Add your own answer in the comments!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

What is an effective remedy for eye bags/dark eye circles?

Question by sangexinyuan: What is an effective remedy for eye bags/dark eye circles?

Best answer:

Answer by knicker_please!
wet tea bags on your eyes for 20 min. every week.

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Saturday, November 2, 2013

I'm skinny fat! How can I get rid of my cellulite without losing too much weight?

Question by ermsobasically: I'm skinny fat! How can I get rid of my cellulite without losing too much weight?
I have some cellulite on my thighs and butt and I'm pretty jiggly all over. I don't want to lose any weight though. I'm 15 and belong to a gym, but I don't know what exercises to do. Any suggestions?

Best answer:

Answer by moviebuff
Hire a trainer for a one shot deal. be upfront with them about what you are wanting and then just go about it yourself

What do you think? Answer below!

Has anyone had any luck in getting rid of dark circles under your eyes?

Question by ccareybfd_14: Has anyone had any luck in getting rid of dark circles under your eyes?
I am a 33 yr old stay at home mom. The circles ( or more like baggage) under my eyes are really dark, almost flabby. What do you do or use to help get these to go away? Please give me your secret???

Best answer:

Answer by mitzitwinkle
boots protect and perfect serum is amazing! they do a specialised under the eye cream too, its won awards as its one of the few products thats been proved to work, its not too expensive either. A lady i work with is 45 and she had really big bags ,and she looks about 5 years younger.

Other than that, a good nights sleep and plenty of water through the day x

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