Kollagen Intensiv

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

How can i get rid of stretch marks and quick cause i feel even though im fat it look worse when i have them?

Question by sam: How can i get rid of stretch marks and quick cause i feel even though im fat it look worse when i have them?

Best answer:

Answer by ny
Stretch Marks
The only true way to really prevent stretch marks is to lose or gain
weight slowly. These lines start out red and then evolve to a white
depressed scar with a different advancement than adjacent tissue.
They are caused by breaking of collagen which then heals with a scar.
You don't have to be pregnant, fat, or big to get them. As a matter
of fact, it is a very common skin condition, but most people who have
them are embarrassed by them and keep them to themselves - some people
have good genetics and some don't when it comes to skin elasticity.
Tips To Reduce Stretch Marks
The following tips may help you reduce their appearance. Surgery is
always a last resort - following these tips could possibly give you
results, but it does take time. Remember secrets to achieve success
are found in your daily routine.
Massage cocoa butter into the stretch marks - or a cream such as
Barmon Stretchmark Cream with Cocoa butter as one of the ingredients.
Exfoliate your skin with a loofah or skin brush when you shower to
stimulate circulation. Doing this removes the dull skin and the dead
cells in the scars that show as stretch marks.
Massage Vitamin E oil or cream on your stretch marks. Rub it into
your skin after a shower. Products such as Rejuvine includes Vitamin E
as one of their ingredients.
Speak to your doctor about prescribing to tretinoin cream (Retin-A).
What Is Tretinoin?
Tretinoin is used to treat acne and aged, sun damaged skin. A study
in the Archives of Dermatology, May 1996, shows that 0.1% tretinoin
significantly improves the appearance of early stretch marks.
Tretinoin works best on stretch marks that are new or enlarging.
Eat foods high in vitamins A, E, C. Also use supplements in addition
to your diet that supplies you with these vitamins. These vitamins
help form collagen - the supporting fibers in the skin.
Zinc - Eat foods high in this or use a supplement such as ZMA. This
vitamin helps form collagen - the supporting fibers in the skin.
EFA's (Essential Fatty Acids), help make cell walls. Essential fatty
acids can be found in many vegetables, vegetable oils and fish oils.
If you don't regularly eat these try supplementing your diet with
Drink lots of water! Make sure that you keep your skin hydrated!
Laser Surgery has shown to be useful in reducing the appearance of
stretch marks. They seem to work best on stretch marks that are still
fairly new and are red or purple in color.

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1 comment:

  1. If your stretch marks healed from red to white means they are now scars and no cream can penetrate through them. Only thing you can do is exfoliate and scrub off excess scar tissue.
    I scrubbed mine with professional skin scrub and managed to get them where they are hair thin and smooth. They are not visible to the naked eye or photo but still there deep inside. Just google micro crystals rub for stretch marks.
