Kollagen Intensiv

Monday, November 4, 2013

Does eating soup from chicken feet and rooster combs help knee cartilage?

Question by ik: Does eating soup from chicken feet and rooster combs help knee cartilage?

Best answer:

Answer by oldtimekid2
Yes, it would a bit... but I wouldn't eat the actual feet or comb. A soup with those in it would be okay as long as they are very clean and you can verify that there aren't diseases or any of the bad stuff in them.
The chicken feet wouldn't have too much of a benefit (not much cartilage in them), but the rooster's comb is a good source of Hyaluronic Acid, which helps to lubricate the joints. Also, if you put the breast bone into the pot the soup is being made in, you can get some added benefit because the sternal cartilage is a good source of collagen that can help with joint health.
Alternately, you could also buy these in supplement form so you wouldn't have to drink as much soup or have to go through the hassle of preparing it... but it's up to you where you get it from. Good luck!

Add your own answer in the comments!


  1. Try Knox Gelatin for joints.

  2. yes

    I think this article would be of real interest to you as these supplements are expensive. In fact, I had forgotten about hyaluronic acid and I might try this myself as my knees are real bad lately.


    for the "poor man's joint supplement" complete with recipes

    ..quite informative..thanks for letting me find it and remember this supplement

    but email me where do you get the rooster combs? I do know a place that sells free-range chicken feet...maybe they could order me some??
