Kollagen Intensiv

Thursday, October 31, 2013

How to get rid off dark circles under eyes its hereditary?

Question by windex: How to get rid off dark circles under eyes its hereditary?
Ive tried conceler and it just makes things worse any idea how to get rid of this problem

Best answer:

Answer by Juice Mix
well if they are hereditary then they won't go away but there is this wonderful make-up by cover girl to help dark circles!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

How does vitamin c strengthen the immune sistem what exactly does it do? provide energy or back it up?

Question by Pastor Hoe: How does vitamin c strengthen the immune sistem what exactly does it do? provide energy or back it up?

Best answer:

Answer by !BASH!
Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that has a number of biological functions.

Acting as an antioxidant, one of vitamin C important functions is to protect LDL cholesterol from oxidative damage. (Only when LDL is damaged does cholesterol appear to lead to heart disease, and vitamin C may be one of the most important antioxidant protectors of LDL.)1 Vitamin C may also protect against heart disease by reducing the stiffness of arteries and the tendency of platelets to clump together.

The antioxidant properties of vitamin C are thought to protect smokers, as well as people exposed to secondhand smoke, from the harmful effects of free radicals. A controlled trial demonstrated the ability of 3 grams of vitamin C, taken by nonsmokers two hours prior to being exposed to cigarette smoke, to reduce the free radical damage and LDL cholesterol oxidation associated with exposure to cigarette smoke. The smoke-induced decline in total antioxidant defense was also diminished. These beneficial effects were not observed in nonsmokers under normal conditions (no free radical exposure).

Vitamin C is needed to make collagen, the "glue" that strengthens many parts of the body, such as muscles and blood vessels. Vitamin C also plays important roles in wound healing and as a natural antihistamine. This vitamin also aids in the formation of liver bile and helps to fight viruses and to detoxify alcohol and other substances.

Recently, researchers have shown that vitamin C improves nitric oxide activity.

Nitric oxide is needed for the dilation of blood vessels, potentially important in lowering blood pressure and preventing spasms of arteries in the heart that might otherwise lead to heart attacks. Vitamin C has reversed dysfunction of cells lining blood vessels.

The normalization of the functioning of these cells may be linked to prevention of heart disease.

Evidence indicates that vitamin C levels in the eye decrease with age and that supplementing with vitamin C prevents this decrease, possibly leading to a lower risk of developing cataracts.8 9 Healthy people have been reported in some, but not all, studies to be more likely to take vitamin C and vitamin E supplements than are people with cataracts.

Vitamin C has been reported to reduce activity of the enzyme, aldose reductase, in people. Aldose reductase is the enzyme responsible for accumulation of sorbitol in eyes, nerves, and kidneys of people with diabetes. This accumulation is believed to be responsible for deterioration of these parts of the body associated with diabetes. Therefore, interference with the activity of aldose reductase theoretically helps protect people with diabetes.

Vitamin C may help protect the body against accumulation or retention of the toxic mineral, lead. In one preliminary study, people with higher blood levels of vitamin C had much lower risk of having excessive blood levels of lead.13 In a controlled trial, male smokers with moderate to high levels of lead received supplements of 1,000 mg per day of vitamin C, 200 mg per day of vitamin C, or a placebo.14 Only those people taking 1,000 mg per day of vitamin C experienced a drop in the blood lead levels, but the reduction in this group was dramatic.

People with recurrent boils (furunculosis) may have defects in white blood cell function that are correctable with vitamin C supplementation. A preliminary study of people with recurrent boils and defective white blood cell function, found that 1 gram of vitamin C taken daily for four to six weeks, resulted in normalization of white blood cell function . Ten of twelve people receiving vitamin C became symptom-free within one month and remained so for periods of one to three years without additional supplementation. The other two people required long-term vitamin C supplementation to prevent recurrences.

A double-blind trial found that 500 mg of vitamin C per day for one year reduced the risk of developing reflex sympathetic dystrophy (a painful nerve condition of the extremities), after a wrist fracture.

In a small, preliminary trial, vitamin C (500 mg twice daily) combined with rutoside (500 mg twice daily), a derivative of the flavonoid, rutin, produced marked improvement in three women with progressive pigmented purpura (PPP), a mild skin condition. Although not a serious medical condition, cosmetic concerns lead people with PPP to seek treatment with a variety of drugs. The vitamin C/rutoside combination represents a promising, non-toxic alternative to these drug treatments, but larger, controlled trials are needed to confirm these preliminary results.

Where is Vitamin C found?

Broccoli, red peppers, currants, Brussels sprouts, parsley, potatoes, citrus fruit, and strawberries are good sources of vitamin C.

Add your own answer in the comments!

What do the different food groups do for the body?

Question by Adam K: What do the different food groups do for the body?
What do Grains, Vegetables, Fruits, Milk, Meats and beans, and Oils do for the body?

Best answer:

Answer by Seeya
Go to the pyramid food groups.gov & found out more about the daily food requirements, what it does for the body.

Here's one for beautiful skin, but it works for good healthy nails, & hair as well.
1. Seafood
Active components: Omega-3 fatty acids, zinc

Benefits: Smooth, clear and glowing skin

Most of us have heard that fish can be really good for your overall health -- it's a primary component in what's known as the "Mediterranean diet." Many types of fish and shellfish can also work wonders for the skin, especially oysters and fatty fish like salmon, sardines.

2. Citrus
Active component: Vitamin C

Benefits: Smooth and taut skin

Vitamin C is a prime skin-care ingredient in tons of beauty creams. This vitamin aids in the body's production of collagen, a protein that forms the basic structure of your skin [source: Discovery Health]. Collagen breakdown, which starts speeding up significantly around the age of 35, can leave your skin saggy [source: RealAge]. Consuming extra vitamin C in foods like oranges, grapefruits, Acerola cherries (a single Acerola has 100 percent of your vitamin C for the day) and tomatoes can help tighten the skin and prevent wrinkles.

Vitamin C also may fight inflammation, and its antioxidant properties can neutralize the free radicals (highly reactive oxygen molecules) that damage cells and can prematurely age your face.

3. Greens & Red Vegetables
Active components: Vitamin A, beta-carotene

Benefits: Bright and smooth skin

Skin is the body's largest organ. It makes sense, then, that what's good for your whole body is also good for your skin -- and as far as food goes, it doesn't get much better than vegetables. You'll especially want to look for red-orange and green vegetables like carrots, sweet potatoes and spinach.

Orange-red vegetables are full of beta-carotene. Our bodies convert beta-carotene into vitamin A, which acts as an antioxidant, preventing cell damage and premature aging. In the case of vitamin A, you also get anti-acne benefits -- vitamin A has been used in acne medications (think Retin-A) for many years.

Spinach and other green, leafy foods provide tons of vitamin A, too, which helps your skin produce more fresh new cells and get rid of the old ones, reducing dryness and keeping your face looking bright and young.

Mangoes are also a great source of vitamin A. It's best to get this vitamin from food and not from supplements, though, since too much vitamin A can cause health problems.

4. Nuts'Active component: Vitamin E

Benefits: Young and soft skin

As with many of the skin-healthy foods on our list, the good stuff in nuts -- especially almonds -- has to do with antioxidant activity. Vitamin E combats skin-aging free radicals, especially protecting skin from sun damage due to UV-sunlight-generated free radicals [source: Self]. Vitamin E also tends to help skin hold in moisture, relieving dryness and making skin look younger.

Pairing vitamin E with selenium can enhance its antioxidant abilities, so go ahead and throw some almonds into your cottage cheese (great source of selenium) for a skin-revitalizing snack [source: LifeScript].

Almonds, pistachios and walnuts also provide a nice supply of omega-3 fatty acids, another great skin nutrient.

5. Whole Grains

James Carrier/StockFood Creative/Getty Images
Pancakes made from buckwheat can help keep your skin clear.
Active components: Rutin and B-vitamins

Benefits: Clear and moisturized skin

The "whole food" movement has whole-body advantages, not the least of which is great-looking skin.

Whole foods are basically unprocessed -- whole wheat bread instead of white bread, for instance. The whole grain buckwheat is a good source for the antioxidant rutin, which helps combat inflammation-related skin damage. Wheat germ provides the B-vitamin biotin, which assists cells in processing fats. If you don't have enough biotin in your body, your skin can become dry and scaly.

In general, whole grains instead of processed carbohydrates can improve your complexion. Processed (or refined) flours can cause an insulin spike, which in turn can encourage acne. Replacing your refined-flour pancakes with buckwheat pancakes is a good acne-reducing move. Incidentally, this would also help reduce your risk of developing diabetes [source: MedicineNet].

Not into buckwheat? Avocadoes and mushrooms can provide similar benefits.

Now, while oranges, buckwheat, oysters, spinach and almonds are great foods for your skin, achieving great-looking skin through dietary changes doesn't have to be so specific. A healthy body means healthy skin. Just feed your body good, healthy foods, get some exercise and keep your stress low, and your skin will reap the benefits.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Whats a popular brand with a anti eye wrinkle cream that actually works.?

Question by Annie: Whats a popular brand with a anti eye wrinkle cream that actually works.?
I ask for a popular brand because i live in New Zealand and we dont have all the brands your guys have.
Please and thank you.

Best answer:

Answer by c b
I have tried several (L'Oreal, No. 7 (UK), Garnier) and was almost tempted to buy a £30 Oil of Olaz today. In my view, I have the same wrinkles as before. But I have stopped smoking and drink 2 litres of water every day, which seems to help a bit. You could also try to take collagen supplements and drink Pomegranate juice (full of antioxidants-better option than red wine, but less fun). So, my answer: No cream works.

What do you think? Answer below!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Does Hylexin for under eye circles really work?

Question by Jazmin: Does Hylexin for under eye circles really work?
Anyone try Hylexin? What caused your under eye circles and how did Hylexin work for you? How long did it take to see results?

Best answer:

Answer by FairLady
Remedies For Dark Circles
•An instant dark circles remedy is to use the correct concealer. The shade should be lighter than your foundation. If circles are very dark, choose 2 shades lighter. Great choices can be Revlon New Complexion Concealer, Estee Lauder Smoothing Skin Concealer, Cover Girl Smoothers Concealer, or Neutrogena Smoothing Skin Stick.
•Apply a good Vitamin K cream. Vita-K Solution gel or Peter Thomas Roth Power K Eye Rescue help strengthen capillary walls around the dark circles to make them less visible.
•One should go for laser treatment only if the case is chronic. Lasers can increase production of collagen thereby thickening skin to make dark circles less visible.
•Home remedies for dark circles can include the following:
1.Drink plenty of water to combat dehydration.
2.Wear at least SPF 30 sunscreen to prevent more sun damage.
3.Get enough sleep.
4.Leave cold teabags, cucumber or potato slices, or washcloths with ice cubes on eyes for 15 minutes regularly.
5.Take iron supplements if anemic, but consult your doctor first.
6.Identify the allergens and avoid them. Whether it be pollen, food, whatever, avoidance is the best solution to this. And avoid rubbing your eyes.
•Hylexin is the first dark circles eye cream developed for serious dark circles. Featured in several magazines such as Marie Claire, FashionWeekDaily, The Wall Street Journal , Star and Luck. It works well for some.
•One of the greatest remedies for dark circles is Arbonne's NutriMinC® RE9 Repair. It’s a corrective puffiness and dark circles eye cream that does additional benefits – firming, moisturizing and repairing the delicate tissue around the eye.

Give your answer to this question below!

How to get rid of old acne scars and stretch marks.?

Question by Emilie: How to get rid of old acne scars and stretch marks.?
Does anyone know any treatments, varying from old wives' recipes to chemical treatments?

Best answer:

Answer by Jason
OK, How to Get Rid of Stretch Marks:
1: Start early. Once they pass the initial stage (when they are red, purple, pink, or
brown, depending on the color of your skin) and become white or silver
(reerthrytyseydeep indentation), it's far more difficult to minimize them.
2 Massage the area with stretch marks three or four times a day with moisturizers
that contain cocoa butter as a prime ingredient.Massage the area with stretch marks
three or four times a day with moisturizers that contain cocoa butter as a prime
ingredient. This hydrates the skin, making it more pliant. Again, this is most effective
in the initial stage.
3: Apply self-tanner.Apply self-tanner. It will help minimize the appearance of stretch
marks. Exfoliate beforehand for best results.
4: Educate yourself about topical treatments. Many are advertised to "repair" stretch
marks, but few have actually been proven to be effective. Here's the scoop on what's
Wheat germ oil - may help improve stretch marks in their early phase.[1]Glycolic
acid - increases collagen production; can be administered in higher doses by a
dermatologist (costs about $ 100 USD and requires three or four office visits before
you see results) has not been fully studied by itself. A good topical treatment that
contains Glycolic acid as its primary ingredient is Stretta from Zenmed. Glycolic
Acid helps to gently remove the upper layer of the skin.[2]Vitamin C - certain
formulations might increase collagen production, but they'll only help with
early-stage stretch marks; for best results, combine with glycolic acid; taking
500 mg of Vitamin C supplements three times a day may also help.
[3] Another great product that contains Vitamin C and can treat early stage of
stretch marks is "iS Clinical Super Serum Advance."[4]
Relastin - the effectiveness of this product is unknown and unverified[5]Peptide-
containing products - these "repair" creams are ineffective; there's no evidence
that they work.[6]Retinoids - they're fairly effective in increasing collagen and elastic
production in the early stages, but they should be avoided if you're pregnant or nursing
they're more effective when used in combination with glycolic acid.[7]Topical tretinoin
can lighten stretch marks and reduce their size if applied in the earlier stages.[8]
Specifically, tretinoin cream is effective against stretch marks that are less than 6
weeks old, and are still pink or red, but it should not be used during pregnancy. It
works by helping to rebuild collagen, but it's not effective against older stretch marks.
5: Consider laser treatment. It's used to treat both red/purple and white stretch marks
and generally it works by promoting the formation of collagen. It can be expensive,
however, and effectiveness is limited. Vascular lasers - won't remove superficial skin,
but are effective against redness by treating the blood vessels behind it (V-Beam,
requires three to six sessions, about $ 450 per session)[1]Fractionated laser -
minimizes older, more entrenched stretch marks in a process comparable to
"smudging"; expect to pay around $ 1000 USD per session, and you'll need at least
three sessions; yields about a 30% improvement.[2] New generation fractional lasers
can improve depressed skin, whiteness, and redness in one to three sessions
[3]Pulsed dye laser therapy - "remodels" the underlying layers of skin and trigger the
production of collagen and elastin; it's most effective on new stretch marks, but might
be effective on older ones.[4] The light heats blood vessels and makes them collapse
so that the color is reduced, but it doesn't affect texture. Five treatments, one month
apart, $ 500-800 per treatment.[5] It is not recommended for anyone with a dark skin
tone (Fitzpatrick Skin Type IV, V or VI) because of the potential for skin discoloration,
and it should not be used while pregnant or nursing.[6]Fractional photothermolysis
also targets the underlying layers of skin; it damages small dot-like areas, not the
entire area. [7]The excimer laser triggers melanin production so that stretch marks
take on the same color as the surrounding skin. This can be effective against older
stretch marks. [8] Excimer laser is for older marks. 10-20 treatments, two weeks
apart, $ 200-700 per treatment.[9] Look into microdermabrasion. Microdermabrasion
works by blowing crystals onto the skin to "polish" the surface; it's followed by a
vacuum tube that removes the crystals and skin cells, stimulating new skin growth.
This is effective against older stretch marks. WHOA ! that was alot of typing ! all i
can say now is good luck with it. OK, now acne scars: you need a chemical peel
for this OK ( cost about $ 250 USD ), but i do not know if there are any places near
you that do this ? it`s very, very affective so go check it out OK, again good luck
with it.

What do you think? Answer below!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

How can i increase my Flexibility?

Question by : How can i increase my Flexibility?
I want to get better at golf and sport in general and i want to get more flexible. I stand at 187cm, I weigh 74kg and i am only 15 but i cant touch my toes when stretching. I want to get especially flexible around the chest
Thanks for the Help

Best answer:

Answer by Piper
Drink plenty of water. Stretch your body, muscles, ligaments, e.t.c., yoga stretches are great. You can also take a joint supplement with collagen and hyaluronic acid, along with glucosamin chondrotin and msm, this will help keep the joints fluid thus making them more flexible, eat fish, and take fish oil too, this is also great for the joints and other areas of the body.
Sat Nam, `(-_-)'

What do you think? Answer below!

What is the actual best anti aging product?

Question by Shayna: What is the actual best anti aging product?

Best answer:

Answer by Mr. Sonny
Proper rest.

Give your answer to this question below!

Saturday, October 26, 2013

I am an analyst chemist, my skin around my eyes is easy to get redness. How to get rid of it?

Question by Ewen B: I am an analyst chemist, my skin around my eyes is easy to get redness. How to get rid of it?
I am allergy to the smell of chemicals.

Best answer:

Answer by lychi
You might have allergic reaction to some of the chemicals at your workplace.

People who take over the counter or doctor prescribed medicine for their allergy relief are probably familiar with their side effects (i.e. fatigue, drowsiness, headache, etc. ) These medicines contain antihistamines property that inhibits inflammations and allergic reactions and suppress their symptoms.

A powerful antioxidant OPC-3 offers a natural and safe alternative and regular users often report feeling delightfully energetic at the same time. This is because of the high content of free radical scavenging OPCs found in OPC-3.

OPC-3 inhibits the release of histamine. Histamine is a key factor in the promotion of inflammation and allergies, and is associated with eruptive diseases of the skin, irritations of the nose and air passages, rheumatism and stomach ulcers. A common pharmaceutical approach to the control of inflammatory diseases involves the administration of antihistamines. But these drugs produce undesirable side effects. OPC-3, a natural antihistamine, acts as an anti-inflammatory and anti-allergy agent, without side effects.

OPC-3 contains the most powerful bioflavonoids(OPC) currently known to research scientists today. They are Pycnogenol (pine bark extract), grape seed extract, red wine extract bilberry extract & citrus extract.

OPC-3 has been shown to provide a variety of health benefits including but not limited to combating free radicals, demonstrating anti-inflammatory activity, improving skin's elasticity, supporting skin collagen production, helping maintain healthy cholesterol levels, helping maintain joint flexibility, helping promote/support cardiovascular health, helping reduce mild menstrual cramping and abdominal pain, helping support visual health/visual acuity, etc.

The reason I recommend OPC-3 is because it's part of the Isotonix family, which is the only oral supplement in the market with isotonic capability when mixing with certain amount of water. Any food or pills taken orally must be digested within our stomach and transported in an isotonic state before our body can absorb its nutrients. This process can take from 40 minutes to 4 hours.

This means that when we drink a supplement that’s isotonic, our stomach does not need to digest it, so that it can enter our small intestines for absorption within minutes. With Isotonix products, little nutritive value is lost, making the absorption of nutrients highly efficient while delivering maximum results.

Give your answer to this question below!

can you use sunbed lotion or oil for sunbathing in the sun?

Question by Sophie: can you use sunbed lotion or oil for sunbathing in the sun?
If you want to go browner can you use sunbed lotion or oil when you are sunbathing or would that not work?

Best answer:

Answer by ☆ΜαΣϰιντολογιςτ☆
Sophie, are you out of your mind!?


No RATIONAL and RESPONSIBLE Yahoo! Answer member is going to help you SCATHE your skin, RAVAGE the health of your skin, and DIE young in the name of beauty – a foolish one, in fact.

There is NO such thing as a safe tan from the sun or sunbed! The ONLY safe way to tan is with a well-formulated self-tanner for your specific skin type.

FACT – Both indoor tanning and sun tanning cause sun damage!
FACT – Tanning bed damages your skin at a higher intensity of UV radiation than the already dangerous sun exposure.
FACT – Ultraviolet-A ray penetrates the dermis and deteriorates collagen and elastic fibers.
FACT – Ultraviolet-B ray penetrates the epidermis and induces inflammation.
FACT – Both UV-rays cause sun damage and significantly increases your risk of skin cancer.

Counter-arguments you may have against me:
1)Sun light synthesize vitamin D, which helps fight cancer.
Rebuttal: True! However, people can get vitamin D from diet or oral over-the-counter or prescription supplementation. Yes, vitamin D in food or oral supplement is absorbable through the intestines. There is no excuse to get it from UV. The risks outweigh the benefits any day.

2)UV light therapy is used to treat specific skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema.
Rebuttal: True! However, phototherapy should ONLY supervised by a health care provider such as a board-certified dermatologist. The National Psoriasis Foundation recommends at-home UVB light bulb to treat psoriasis, not a sunbed. There is a major difference here: the light bulb gives you small controlled amount of UV whereas a tanning bed exposes your whole body, including the unaffected regions, to high levels of UV radiation. Even with at-home treatments, it is imperative to have check-ups with your physician for sun damage and skin cancer. The National When performed in a doctor’s practice, eczema or psoriasis clinic the UV intensity is controlled and minimal. Psoriasis Foundation DISAPPROVES people from using tanning bed to treat psoriasis. The National Eczema Association does not have a position on phototherapy, but proper skin care and some prescription products are considered first. There is no need to consider light therapy unless you have exhausted all of the other conservative and safer modalities.

3)I do not care. I will use it any way.
Rebuttal: This is not a counter-argument, technically. There is an old adage: to each their own.

Bottom Line: The research is CLEAR and the American Academy of Dermatology, Food and Drug Administration, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and World Health Organization all concur: indoor tanning and sunbathing are dangerous – PERIOD.

What do you think? Answer below!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Can i use regular hemp moisturizing lotion in a tanning bed?

Question by Farrah: Can i use regular hemp moisturizing lotion in a tanning bed?
Or should i use sweet sutra step 1 base tan builder? I am fair skinned and do not go tanning often

Best answer:

Answer by ☆ΜαΣϰιντολογιςτ☆
Farrah, are you out of your mind?


No RATIONAL and RESPONSIBLE Yahoo! Answer member is going to help you SCATHE your skin, RAVAGE the health of your skin, and DIE young in the name of beauty – a foolish one, in fact.

There is NO such thing as a safe tan from the sun or sunbed! The ONLY safe way to tan is with a well-formulated self-tanner for your specific skin type.

FACT – Both indoor tanning and sun tanning cause sun damage!
FACT – Tanning bed damages your skin at a higher intensity of UV radiation than the already dangerous sun exposure.
FACT – Ultraviolet-A ray penetrates the dermis and deteriorates collagen and elastic fibers.
FACT – Ultraviolet-B ray penetrates the epidermis and induces inflammation.
FACT – Both UV-rays cause sun damage and significantly increases your risk of skin cancer.

Counter-arguments you may have against me:
1)Sun light synthesize vitamin D, which helps fight cancer.
Rebuttal: True! However, people can get vitamin D from diet or oral over-the-counter or prescription supplementation. Yes, vitamin D in food or oral supplement is absorbable through the intestines. There is no excuse to get it from UV. The risks outweigh the benefits any day.

2)UV light therapy is used to treat specific skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema.
Rebuttal: True! However, phototherapy should ONLY supervised by a health care provider such as a board-certified dermatologist. The National Psoriasis Foundation recommends at-home UVB light bulb to treat psoriasis, not a sunbed. There is a major difference here: the light bulb gives you small controlled amount of UV whereas a tanning bed exposes your whole body, including the unaffected regions, to high levels of UV radiation. Even with at-home treatments, it is imperative to have check-ups with your physician for sun damage and skin cancer. The National When performed in a doctor’s practice, eczema or psoriasis clinic the UV intensity is controlled and minimal. Psoriasis Foundation DISAPPROVES people from using tanning bed to treat psoriasis. The National Eczema Association does not have a position on phototherapy, but proper skin care and some prescription products are considered first. There is no need to consider light therapy unless you have exhausted all of the other conservative and safer modalities.

3)I do not care. I will use it any way.
Rebuttal: This is not a counter-argument, technically. There is an old adage: to each their own.

Bottom Line: The research is CLEAR and the American Academy of Dermatology, Food and Drug Administration, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and World Health Organization all concur: indoor tanning and sunbathing are dangerous – PERIOD.

Add your own answer in the comments!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Foods a vegetarian should watch out for?

Question by BUBA: Foods a vegetarian should watch out for?
are there any foods that a vegetarian should watch out for that the average person wouldn't consider non-vegetarian?

Thank you :)

Best answer:

Answer by THtourguide
spring rolls, sometimes they have fish or meat in them, I got caught out by this once at a restaurant. Or soups too, often people think a vegetable soup has been made with veggie stock, but sometimes it is made with chicken stock, so if you are eating out then ask the waiter if the soup is made with veggie or chicken stock.

What do you think? Answer below!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Can I drink fish oil and biotin at the same time?

Question by ChillieCD: Can I drink fish oil and biotin at the same time?
I'm trying to grow my hair, and I heard both are good for hair. So is it ok???

Best answer:

Answer by Me
Yes you can. I take Irwin Naturals, Women's Living Green Liquid-Gel Multi Soft-Gels and that contains both: fish oil and biotin (plus much more herbs, vitamins and supplements beneficial for women). On top of that I take Collagen (from Costco) and Hyaluronic Acid for hair, nails and skin. When I finish the bottle with Women's Living Green gels I switch to Irwin Naturals Healthy skin, hair and nail supplement.

I use it for healthy skin, thick hair and I weight lift and exercise 5 days a week so that helps with muscle/tissue building and recovery.

Give your answer to this question below!

What is the best anti aging product(s) for women in their mid twenties?

Question by Girl Pants: What is the best anti aging product(s) for women in their mid twenties?
Lotions, creams, etc. Please don't include sunscreen, I think by now we all understand the benefit of sunscreen.

Best answer:

Answer by animal_lover_rac12
Avon has a product called anew--which you might want to try-I am an Avon rep--if you have any questions feel free to e-mail me-thanks

What do you think? Answer below!

Monday, October 21, 2013

What is a food I can eat to make my cheeks naturally pink/ rosy?

Question by se99: What is a food I can eat to make my cheeks naturally pink/ rosy?
I really want my cheeks to be rosy, and I don't want to wear make up like blush or anything. I know there are foods that will make your cheeks naturally pinkish. What are the ones that actualy work? Thank you!

Best answer:

Answer by Roy
about a cup of fresh pancake batter every morning should do the trick

Add your own answer in the comments!

What to do about black circles under eyes?

Question by timsbabe: What to do about black circles under eyes?

Best answer:

Answer by fella
sleep more, stop smoking and drinking

Add your own answer in the comments!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

What is cellulite and why do I have it? How do I get rid of it?

Question by Eff Chuo: What is cellulite and why do I have it? How do I get rid of it?
D: I'm only 15 years old, turning 16. I'm in highschool and when I first started highschool I took PE. And now this year, sophomore year, I'm no longer taking PE because I passed it already. And I realized that this year, I'm getting cellulite :( It's ugly looking and I thought you were suppose to get it when you're older! Not when you're 15! D: Why and How am I getting this? It seems to be getting worse :( How do I get rid of this?
I only weigh 102 pounds too :-/ And my butt isnt even that big. I heard people who wheigh a lot and people who have big butts develop this..

Best answer:

Answer by Madison
Cellulite is fat bulging through the little gaps in your dermis. Its hard to explain, but basically its little molecules of fat. Exercise :)

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Saturday, October 19, 2013

How can you really prevent strech marks besides cocoa butter?

Question by gris: How can you really prevent strech marks besides cocoa butter?
I am 20weeks pregnat (5 months) and i dont have any strech marks how ever i hope i do not get any but i am using cocoa butter lotion and vitamin e baby gell on my stomach is there other products that i could use ???

Best answer:

Answer by Cortney & Nathan
Cocoa Butter didn't work at all for me and I put that stuff on religiously 2x a day. I gained a lot of weight while I was pregnant though. Try not to eat everything you see even if your starving. The weight is just about gone finally but my battle scars are still there. Unfortunately.

Give your answer to this question below!

is there something i can do at home about my blotchy skin and/or under-eye circles?

Question by Nikki: is there something i can do at home about my blotchy skin and/or under-eye circles?
just ingridients from around the house.
also, not puffy, just dark circles.

wow, you guys rock!

thanks so much!
one more thing, if i am iron deficient, could that be causing it? if so, is there a way i can find out if i am?? besides a blood test, i mean.

Best answer:

Answer by mrs.eltonjohn
for blotchy skin, green tea helps even out skin tone and the antioxidants in it help keep it looking fresh.
about the under eye circles, idk.

Add your own answer in the comments!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Does any one have any solutions for dark circles and bags?

Question by holly_x93: Does any one have any solutions for dark circles and bags?
i would like to know if any one knows any home made recipes i could make inorder to be successful in getting rid of my bags? lol

Best answer:

Answer by KC
hemeroid cream, it might sound gross, but it works so well!

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Vegetarian Collagen?

Question by Lily: Vegetarian Collagen?
I am beginning to get a little concerned about aging. I hear a lot about Collagen supplements being good for reparing the skin and removing fine lines but they all seem to be made from meat.
Can anyone advise me on what supplements to take and changes to me diet I should make to try and slow down the aging process and improve my skin and boost my own collagen?
I have been vegetarian for 20 years.

Best answer:

Answer by I Drive a Mini
Try using Arbonne products. Most of their sking care products are vegan friendly, but their supplements are NOT.
If you need help finding them in your area, let me know.

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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Is it possible to lengeth the anagen stage of hair growth?

Question by SeRe UnA NiÑa BuEnA: Is it possible to lengeth the anagen stage of hair growth?
Can you take any vitamins or eat specific foods, that make this stage last longer? Or is it just pre-determined by your genes?

Best answer:

Answer by sweet gaze
You can maximize your hair growth by taking in supplements.
My favourites are at GNC:

GNC Women's Hair, Skin & Nails Program
(This one's the best because there are 3 bottles:
1 Women's Hair, Skin & Nails Formula with 3000 mcg of biotin
2 Evening Primrose Oil 500
3 Advanced Collagen Formula
It gives you a 30 day supply of them all for only $ 22.99)

Individual vitamins:

GNC Women's Hair, Skin & Nails Formula
$ 7.99 for 30 day supply

GNC Biotin 2500 mcg
$ 14.99 for 60 day supply
(keep in mind to not take more than 3,000 mcg a day)

GNC MSM 1500 mg
$ 18.99 for 120 day supply
(Methylsulfonylmethane. It's a food that comes from the ocean, is water soluble, and is not a drug, or a food additive. It is present in a variety of foods, including most fresh raw fruits and green vegetables, milk, meat, seafood, and some grains. MSM is required for healthy collagen and keratin which are essential for healthy hair, skin and nails. It makes your hair grow back even faster.)

GNC Concentrated Fish Body Oils
$ 11.99 for 60 day supply

I take the first one (the program with the 3 bottles), MSM, and Fish Oils. My hair grows super fast and strong (2-3 inches a month!)

Note: If you don't want to take the above multivitamin and only want the Biotin (the vitamin you want), make sure you take some kind of multivitamin without Biotin in conjunction with the GNC 2500 mcg of Biotin. It won't work unless it's supplemented by other neccessary vitamins.

What do you think? Answer below!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

how do i get rid of cellulite of my thighs and butt?

Question by Fdhsdfh: how do i get rid of cellulite of my thighs and butt?
i just found out was cellulite and i realized that was what i had on my thighs and butt. (more on my butt barely on my thighs) how do i get rid of it? mostly my butt please thats where its mostly at.

im skinny and i dont eat much. i used to be bulimic (dont know how to spell it sorry). and im pretty fit and i workout a little. (i should probably do it more than i do though)

Best answer:

Answer by Chrysler
Cellulite is caused by poor lymphatic circulation, where fluids don't reach the lymph nodes to replenish and flush out toxins in your body. So it's basically a build up of fluidy toxins. The funny thing is, people are always trying to invent all these creams to treat cellulite and they promise you results but it's really a waste of time and money.

The best, most effective thing you can do is use a body scrub in the shower every 2nd day. Really scrub thoroughly all over your body, especially around the bum and thigh region. I only say use the scrub every 2nd day because you don't want to over exfoliate your body. Scrub or rub until your skin glows a light pink or red - this is called erythema and it is totally normal, in fact healthy. Because it's circulating your blood to the surface and supplying new oxygen and nutrients to your skin cells, so they'll look more plump, smooth and have a brighter complexion. The redness will disappear after about 5 minutes.

You should also use body moisturiser (it's hard to every day, everyone has busy lives) but when you do use it, really rub it in. Get that circulation of blood and lymph happening.

If you do this consistently every day or so you'll see results over time. It really is the best method of avoiding cellulite. People who get laser done to remove it have to have really bad cellulite. And the only reason they have is really bad is because they didn't take care of their body and possibly a poor diet.

That's another thing, you need to have a balance. If your diet is bad and you don't exercise the care you take for your body externally isn't going to do anything. You need to do a bit of everything.

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Should i take collagen supplement?

Question by Carol: Should i take collagen supplement?
Hi, i'm 22 female. A friend of mine recommend me to take collagen for skin care, weight control, hair nail thickness, and all other good things comes along. My question is am i too young to take collagen supplement? ( i got the NeoCell Collagen +c from costco).


Best answer:

Answer by Tari
Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. http://med33.notlong.com/7AA4Seu

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Products to Grow Longer and Thicker Hair?

Question by Maggie: Products to Grow Longer and Thicker Hair?
I am a girl in my 20s in need of the product, over the counter, prescription, ect. that will help my thin, fine hair grow. i would like it thick and long... Preferabbly speak from personal experience.

Best answer:

Answer by Kimberly
When I was 5 years old, my grandmother gave me a "home" perm. She left the waving solution on for almost 3 hours because she fell asleep. It ruined my long, thick hair so bad, the beautician was combing clumps of oi out. My hair has never been the same. I am now 34 and I buy over the counter prenatal vitamins. They have helped my hair to grow and get back some of the thickness. Also try going to a good beautician, there are hair products you can order to help restore your hairs stability. I just cant afford them!

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Sunday, October 13, 2013

How can you get rid of stretch marks naturally?

Question by Brittany: How can you get rid of stretch marks naturally?
Im only 13 and i stretch marks on the back of my knees/legs. I want to get rid of them because I'm going to a knew school and i want a fresh start. I'm copping all kinds of stuff from people at my current school. I really want to make them unnoticeable because i don't want to cop stuff at my new school. I'm not even that fat. I think its just because I'm growing....help me. I don't have money for expensive creams that won't work.

Best answer:

Answer by DanTF
You're just going to have to cover it cleverly. Unfortunately, stretch marks are a type of scar. Take it from a guy who lost 20+ lbs at age 15 (stretchmarks galore for me, friends call me watermelon for the stripes they resemble)

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Saturday, October 12, 2013

Can GLUCOSAMINE SULFATE help protect tendons?

Question by .: Can GLUCOSAMINE SULFATE help protect tendons?
Was on Levaquin (like cipro) which causes tendon damage...think I may have some slight tendonitis. Can GLUCOSAMINE SULFATE help heal and/or protect tendons? Any ideas on what to take? Supposedly tendon damage can happen months after stopping taking the antibiotic.

Best answer:

Answer by think_global
Glucosamine is primarily the material that makes up the joint connection (like the gristle in chicken) Chondroitin is a supplement that adds moisture to the glucosamine so it does nt get brittle and break down, but the best thing for connective tissue (ligaments, tendons) is collagen. There is a product called CollaTrim that is both a weight loss product when used in one fashion, and a connective tissue rebuilder when used in a slightly different way. Good Luck.

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Friday, October 11, 2013

What juices should i drink for healthy skin?

Question by the_new_gurl: What juices should i drink for healthy skin?
I have terrible dry skin on my hands and legs ,pink acne scars on my cheeks and an oily forhead.I'm going home for christmas and am goin to wear a beautiful dress that looks great on my skin tone.I just want my skin to glow.I have access to freshly made carrot and orange juices only (no vegetable juice) everyday. Will this help? Also how many glasses a day should I consume.Also whatelse can I do ?

Best answer:

Answer by Angie
Check this out. I have been taking Clarity for about a month an a half. Great results, I highly recommend it!

Benefits of Vitamin B7 (Biotin)

Biotin is necessary for cell growth, the production of fatty acids, and the metabolism of fats and amino acids. It plays a role in the citric acid cycle, which is the process by which biochemical energy is generated during aerobic respiration. Biotin not only assists in various metabolic reactions, but also helps to transfer carbon dioxide. Biotin is also helpful in maintaining a steady blood sugar level. Biotin is often recommended for strengthening hair and nails. Consequently, it is found in many cosmetic and health products for the hair and skin.

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Thursday, October 10, 2013

how can i make my Hair grow faster?

Question by Bubers_the_Freak: how can i make my Hair grow faster?
My hair use to grow a few inches a year. Now it grows more slowly. I am 13. Is there anything that can make it grow faster?

Best answer:

Answer by audrey_ariana
Hair, on average, grows about 6 inches a year. There is nothing really you can do to speed it up, except eat a healthy diet, drink plenty of water, and don't use too much product on your hair (including coloring, perming, etc. that can damage it).

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Monday, October 7, 2013

Which vitamin is beneficial for hair and what is function of vitamin C?

Question by Hussainy Waqar: Which vitamin is beneficial for hair and what is function of vitamin C?

Best answer:

Answer by Candi
vitamin e is good for hair

vitamin c is to maintain bones, blood vessels, and skin

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What are the Pros to becoming a Vegetarian?

Question by Jon: What are the Pros to becoming a Vegetarian?
What are hte Pros to becoming a Vegetarian? Please be as detailed as possable.

Best answer:

Answer by sleepy but can't sleep
You will contribute to the extinction of cows and pigs and other unneeded farm animals

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Saturday, October 5, 2013

What are you doing on your pursuit to happiness?

Question by Souldancer9: What are you doing on your pursuit to happiness?
and how are you doing it, where are you doing it, and why are you doing those things, on your pursuit of happiness?

Best answer:

Answer by Naguru
Dancing to the tunes of time and occasion.

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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

How can i get rid of my scar of acne?&what kind of foods provide of acne?

Question by Chicas Irani: How can i get rid of my scar of acne?&what kind of foods provide of acne?
How can i get rid of my scar of acne?&what kind of foods provide of acne?
I had acne on my face but now their scar remain on my face.I went to Dr but the creams didnt work so i decided to use natural drug .What is the best way for removing the scar of acne?
& what kind of foods provide of acne?

PS:Im a 29 years old girl.

Best answer:

Answer by thenoseknows
Number one cause of acne is pasteurized milk and dairy products.

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