Kollagen Intensiv

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Can GLUCOSAMINE SULFATE help protect tendons?

Question by .: Can GLUCOSAMINE SULFATE help protect tendons?
Was on Levaquin (like cipro) which causes tendon damage...think I may have some slight tendonitis. Can GLUCOSAMINE SULFATE help heal and/or protect tendons? Any ideas on what to take? Supposedly tendon damage can happen months after stopping taking the antibiotic.

Best answer:

Answer by think_global
Glucosamine is primarily the material that makes up the joint connection (like the gristle in chicken) Chondroitin is a supplement that adds moisture to the glucosamine so it does nt get brittle and break down, but the best thing for connective tissue (ligaments, tendons) is collagen. There is a product called CollaTrim that is both a weight loss product when used in one fashion, and a connective tissue rebuilder when used in a slightly different way. Good Luck.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

1 comment:

  1. No these suppliments have been shown not to work, can cause allergies & may interfere with insulin so diabetics must take care. My doctor recommended I use compressive thermal body supports to improve circulation & protect tendons from injury.
