Kollagen Intensiv

Saturday, October 5, 2013

What are you doing on your pursuit to happiness?

Question by Souldancer9: What are you doing on your pursuit to happiness?
and how are you doing it, where are you doing it, and why are you doing those things, on your pursuit of happiness?

Best answer:

Answer by Naguru
Dancing to the tunes of time and occasion.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. I believe that happiness is the by-product of getting one's life in order. So, I organized my life under four areas, and ensure that I do my best to excel in these four areas.

    These four areas of my life are: health, wealth, relationships, and contribution to society.

    I'll research as much as I can into health topics such as preventive medicine, alternative medicine, Oriental breathing, organics, exercise, spiritual healing, nutrition, and so on. I avoid seeing the doctor by practising preventive medicine. I avoid, as much as possible, processed foods that come in boxes, cans and bottles. I avoid vegetable oils, lard, margarine, white rice, white sugar, potatoes, fried food, and overly salted food. I''ll take brown rice, unrefined sugar, sweet potatoes, steamed food, fish, lean meat, olive oil, apple cedar vinegar, fruits, vegetable and nuts. I exercise at least three times a week, stay active everyday, and take a host of supplements, including collagen in place of glucosamine. I drink at least one liter of alkaline filtered ionized water.

    I make sure that I become more and more knowledgeable in investing in stocks, forex, and real estate. I sharpen my psychology of risks, plan my trade and trade my plan. I outsource vital recommendations from some shrewd financial advisers and pick my favorites. I follow trends and stay vigilant on the trend turning the corner. I keep up to date with financial, political and other news daily. I'm trying to break into making money online. I stay vigilant on my own accident-prone behavior to ensure they do not sabotage my best efforts.

    I base my relationships on character and principles, principles such as diligence, honesty, integrity, fairness, justice, patience, transparent, friendship, responsibility and so on. Instead of trying to invent the wheel, I embrace reasonably good concepts by some great authors such as Daniel Yankelovitch on The Magic of Dialogue, Stephen covey on the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Edward de Bono, on the Six Thinking Hats, Scott Peck on The Road Less Traveled, Robert Bolton on People Skills, David Seabury on The Art of Selfishness, Louis Tartaglia on Flawless, the ten most common character flaws and what you can do about them. (I've built up a personal library of over 2,000 books).

    Furthermore, I extricated myself from messy theologies and time-wasting religious rituals by extracting the positive concepts by these seven masters:
    From Jesus, I learn compassion and friendship.
    From Prophet Muhammad, I learn how not to separate morality from government.
    From Socrates, I learn how to apply critical thinking to problems to make better decisions.
    From Confucius, I learn how to strengthen my family.
    From Lao Tzu, I learn how to effect permanent change the patient and natural way.
    From Sun Tzu, I learn how to triumph over my enemies through appropriate strategies.
    From Buddha, I learn how to diminish my materialistic desires so that I can have contentment, serenity and happiness.

    From the above, I should have enough money to donate to worthy causes and save the environment.
    I'm prepared, when the opportunity presents itself, to mentor a willing student. Just by being a constructive, positive, lawful citizen, I would have contributed to society.

    And when I've done all these, I'll definitely happy.

  2. Tumbling into a deep well of depression.

  3. Following my heart. Most recently I quit my job making good money with no plans as to how I'm going pay my bills or feed my family. My job required me to be away from home for most of the year and I came to the conclusion that in order to be happy I would rather live in a shack and see my family every day than put them up in a nice house and never see them. Sounds crazy but then following ones heart frequently does.

  4. am enjoying whatever at that time my mood goes,.........................
