Kollagen Intensiv

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

How do i get rid of a coldsaw ?

Question by Natalie loves MAC ♥: How do i get rid of a coldsaw ?
anyways i can get rid of mine?
its nasty! and it just appeared today! :(

Best answer:

Answer by Léopoldine
Do you mean a cold "sore"?

If yes, try "Abreva" cream (@Walgreens etc.) it works very well and fast for me.

Otherwise I'd like to help but if it's not a cold "sore"... I don't see what you mean.

Add your own answer in the comments!


  1. a coldsaw?
    i think you mean a colesore, or a canker sore.
    you can get rid of them by using Zylactin-L.
    or, if you want, you can (frequently) put a little bit of
    hydrogen peroxide on it.

  2. my mom gets those from staying in the sun too long... go o a drugstore and get abreva:

  3. you mean cold sore**.
    um avoid touching,scratching and rubbing it
    clean it with a washcloth and hot soapy water..
    and rub some vaseline or nesporin and or abreva on it .

    good luck

  4. lol i agree abreva is the best and it costs 17.99 at walgreens also carmex really helps too.

  5. its a coldsore not coldsaw!isnt that like a type of salad form food? try abreva it helped me
