Kollagen Intensiv

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Can I crush my Hair, Skin & Nails dietary supplement from Spring Valley?

Question by Zai :): Can I crush my Hair, Skin & Nails dietary supplement from Spring Valley?
I have the hair skin nails dietary supplement from spring valley. It contains biotin Collagen and gelatin. I also have the calcium w/ d3 pills and I find them easier to swallow even though they're bigger. I was just wondering if I could crush them. Also, could I eat them with applesauce or something? Thanks c:

Best answer:

Answer by Sarah
Email their customer service.

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Saturday, June 29, 2013

What is the stem cell technology in Dermavexin?

Question by Kel: What is the stem cell technology in Dermavexin?
Also, what does it have to do with wrinkles?

Best answer:

Answer by Sunnie
A new breakthrough, stem cell technology actually uses bovine stem cells. Stem cells not only come from the umbilical cord, but are actually present throughout our lives, in diminishing amounts as we age. If you supplement stem cells, it can seep into your pores and help your skin to rebuild itself again. It does not supplement collagen or elastin, essentially providing the need for constant supplementation years later. It helps your skin to be self sufficient. Moreover, the cells created by stem cell technology are new, healthy, and undamaged by the sun, pollution, etc, sloughing off old cells that would only reduce your skin's possibilities.

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How important is it to rest your muscles? ?

Question by Sora: How important is it to rest your muscles? ?
After exercising one day, the next day my muscles are still extremely sore (despite stretching before and after). Do I really need to rest the next day? Is there a way to relieve the sore...ness?

Best answer:

Answer by EmmaSage
It is important to rest your muscles. Your body needs recovery time. Try to rest the next day, or take your workout lighter if you are sore. Good luck!

What do you think? Answer below!

Friday, June 28, 2013

What's the difference between white willow bark and black willow bark?

Question by Me: What's the difference between white willow bark and black willow bark?
I'm not sure what's different about them or if they're the same thing, and I want to use whichever works best for acne.

Thank you!

Best answer:

Answer by oldtimekid2
According to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_willow they are just two different species of Willow trees (similar to how green grape vines and red grape vines are different species of grape vines). It also points out that both Black Willow and White Willow barks have Salicylic Acid (what Aspirin was first derived from before they made it from chemicals), but I've never heard of either one helping for acne.
Part of the hard problem with acne is that there are different causes for acne including hormones, oil on the skin (either made by the skin or from the environment), diet, and many other things... it's hard for any single product to take care of all of those causes without a variety of side effects (eg. dry skin, etc). Granted, you could try a number of skin health supplements like Biotin, Silica (commonly from Horsetail), Squalene, Borage Oil (specifically for the GLA, Gamma Linoleic Acid), Hyaluronic Acid, MSM, L-Cysteine, Collagen, and most antioxidants (like Vitamins A and C among others). Good luck and I hope I helped!

What do you think? Answer below!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

How do i make my face fuller without gaining lots of weight?

Question by ♦ELEMENT DIAmond♦: How do i make my face fuller without gaining lots of weight?
im a male im 17 years old, 6'1 and 163 pounds. How do i make my face a little fuller without gaining weight, my cheeks look sunken in and i look anorexic

Best answer:

Answer by C
The first DRASTIC direction you can take is to consider cosmetic injections. They have injections for making the face appear fuller-usually a procedure used for aging women (collagen injections). However, a great way to gain healthy LEAN weight and have a more attractive appearance would be working out with weights and taking proteine supplements. It will help your complexion and add healthy weight that wont make you look overweight in the face.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Monday, June 24, 2013

I would like to be informed about the side effects of gingo?

Question by Mariaelena: I would like to be informed about the side effects of gingo?
I recently decided to take gingo herb tablets about 30 days ago. at the same time I was taking collagen that suppose to keep your bones healthy. The last week I noticed that my index finger got swollen during my sleep and in the morning I experienced some pain, I have recently noticed that when I take collagen along with gingo this becomes very annoying during my sleep. I have decided to stop both. But I wonder have I harmed my health seriously. What could be the resullt ,any side effects?. Does this happen to others? If not I would like to make this known so other people can reliaze. Does anyone have a good answer about that. thank you

Best answer:

Answer by Ukeeya
I love gingko and honestly it is all in where you order it from. Completely healthy and safe if the company doesn't use harmful preservatives. But, since it does stimulate blood flow, improving memory and moods, it can definitely put things into your blood stream. Taking that collagen simultaneously was not a good idea. The collagen is what made your finger swell I assume, with its " plumping" abilities. Discontinue that.

If you want a kosher and clean company to supply your supplements and explain what each supplement is good for try www.foreverliving.com. To get the benefits and cheaper prices, make a free membership using my ID, it's 001002423528.

Also, if you are afraid it has done damage to your system, I recommend ordering bee pollen, take two tablets a day morning and evening until the bottle finishes. Guaranteed to correct anything within the system and they are chewable.

Good luck!

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Sunday, June 23, 2013

What is a really good shampoo for my hair?

Question by Clair: What is a really good shampoo for my hair?
I have long dirty blonde hair (and when I say long I mean if I ti my head back it brushes my butt) and I have noticed that by the third day without washing it, it is really greasy. I currently use Suave Keratin Infusion Smoothing Shampoo & Conditioner, as well as the shine spray. Is this normal for my hair or what other shampoo should I be using?

Best answer:

Answer by Sasha
You should probably wash it more because your hair is so long and it needs to stay maintained.
Buy a TRESemme shampoo product. After the 2nd day, if its greasy and you don't feel like washing it, buy a dry shampoo from the store. It will absorb the grease.

What do you think? Answer below!

Is there any way to make my hair grow faster?

Question by Twihard(:: Is there any way to make my hair grow faster?
I'm talking about a week- just an inch would be nice. Serious answers, please.
(i just got my bangs cut, & they guy cut them too short- i need like at least half an inch before school starts!)

Best answer:

Answer by chocolate <3
there is no products or anything special to grow your hair faster than its natural growth time period. your hair grows half a mm every night usually. but if your hair is very healthy it should grow 1-1.5 mm every night

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how to get rid of dark circles around my eyes?

Question by SeShYrOcKz =]: how to get rid of dark circles around my eyes?
i've tried concealer and ive tried getting more sleep, it may just be natural but how do i get them to disapear?

Best answer:

Answer by Jessa
Under-eye puffiness — whether in the form of mild swelling, dark "bags" or saggy under-eye skin — is the last thing most people want to see when they look in the mirror in the morning. Though mild puffiness under your eyes can be annoying or embarrassing, it's usually only a temporary cosmetic concern and rarely a sign of a serious underlying medical condition. Puffy eyes can result from a number of causes, including:

* Heredity
* Fluid retention such as due to changes in weather or hormone levels
* Allergies or dermatitis, especially if puffiness is accompanied by redness and itching
* Certain medications

There are a number of steps you can take to prevent and reduce mild under-eye puffiness:

* Get enough sleep at night. For most adults, seven to eight hours a night appears to be the best amount of sleep.
* Sleep with your head slightly raised. Add an extra pillow or prop up the head of your mattress. This helps prevent fluids from accumulating around your eyes as you sleep.
* While sitting up, apply a cool tap water compress to the skin under your eyes for a few minutes. You can also use chilled cucumber slices, a refrigerated gel mask or chilled, damp tea bags.
* Reduce allergy symptoms. Avoid allergens when possible, and ask your doctor about over-the-counter or prescription allergy medications.

There is some anecdotal evidence that hemorrhoid cream applied under the eyes can reduce puffiness. But no clinical trials have evaluated its effectiveness for this use. Also, ingredients in hemorrhoid cream may be irritating to the skin around your eyes, resulting in dryness and inflammation.

If puffiness is severe and persistent or you notice swelling (edema) in other parts of your body, see your doctor. He or she will want to rule out other possible causes of swelling, such as kidney or thyroid problems or a side effect of medications.

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Saturday, June 22, 2013

Can i take too many vitamins for hair growth?

Question by Jess: Can i take too many vitamins for hair growth?
im taking Prenatals, Biotin & Collagen to make my hair grow faster and healthier. Am i taking too many vitamins? Any other suggestions as to what i can do?

Best answer:

Answer by Jarbo
Normally if you take too many vitamins the only thing you are wasting is money. Your body will use as many vitamins as it needs and then disposes of the rest.

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Friday, June 21, 2013

How can i get rid of dark patches under my eyes?

Question by live.die.bleed: How can i get rid of dark patches under my eyes?
I have dark bags under my eyes. Its more noticeable on my right eye.

Its not because i'm tired, they've been there ev since i can remember!

I was told its probably a vein under the thin skin around my eye.

How do i get rid of it? I already use foundation and concealer but it doesnt go!

I use moisteriser to keep it hydrated but it doesnt work!!

I dont want to spend loads or money.......what can i do?

Best answer:

Answer by adam_arielle
you gotta have more vitamins...

i had them for a long time before i started taking vitamins..

i cant stand greens.. hate most fruits and vegetibles

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how to get rid of dark bags under my eyes ?

Question by julian g: how to get rid of dark bags under my eyes ?
i think there from not sleeping enough how can i get rid of them?

Best answer:

Answer by hautecouture94
ice cubes!

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i am slim but i have cellulite on my abs?

Question by J A: i am slim but i have cellulite on my abs?
I need to know please how to handle this. It doesn't make sense that a slim woman has cellulite.

Best answer:

Answer by Daniel Ray
well cellulite and fat are different. Cellulite is a type of fat that cause pain when you touch it. Now that we have that out of the way the reason you have fat is because the body requires fat to survive, women need more of it then men as such you have the tendency to be a bit plumper. if assuming you aren't extremely fat it'll look good and make you look healthy.

can you answer mine now?: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AvwZdFWsy.8ScPzk890.XJ_ty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20120217200607AA7EHxP

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Thursday, June 20, 2013

what can I do to get rid of the dark bags under my eyes??

Question by Soulja Mamii: what can I do to get rid of the dark bags under my eyes??
okay I've been having dark bags under my eyes and I was wondering if there was any trick to get rid of them... Please don't say sleep because that is physically impossible.. I have an 11 month old son n a newborn so sleep really wouldn't help.. any suggestions?

Best answer:

Answer by sillygiggles21
1. you can get a good concealer i ahve the same problem and use one called secret agent and its actually foundation but i use it under my eyes

2. you can put somethign cold under your eyes for 5-10 minutes to reduce puffiness before putting on concealer

hope i helped!


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What's the best anti-aging supplements for men?

Question by Marc M: What's the best anti-aging supplements for men?
What would you guys say is the best anti-aging supplements for men? Is there any that can reduce wrinkling and help support healthy skin function? Or possibly erase/minimize sun damage?

Best answer:

Answer by joeyrok
1-Vitamin E- Touted as the BEST supplement for fighting the signs of aging, this is one of THE most potent antioxidants. It is THE staple of anti-aging supplements.

2-A potent, quality men's multivitamin
It has been proven that taking a quality multivitamin can cut your risk of becoming sick by at least 50%!

3-Fish Oil- This supplement increases collagen production and helps proper collagen synthesis, ensuring soft, supple skin and a healthy glow.

4-Selenium. This antioxidant mineral plays a pivotal role in neutralizing free-radicals which means a better defense barrier of advanced aging of the skin.

This extremely powerful antioxidant could very well be your best defense against future cancer. Selenium is a trace element found naturally in foods like nuts, liver and animal proteins.
Studies suggest that healthy trace elements of selenium in your diet can reduce the risk of cancer in several organs by as much as 45%! Selenium supplementation has been reported widely to improve confused and depressed mental states, mental fatigue and anxiety symptoms.
So, a more efficient, happier, less confused mind ,better skin tone,cancer fighting properties and immune system defense system.

5-Carotenoids. A vitamin A supplement or carotenoid supplement helps protect skincell membranes. To boost carotenoids in the body take a supplement containing 10,000 I.U. Vitamin A daily and 50 MG of mixed carotenoids.

6-Vitamin C-This powerful antioxidant helps protect the cells in the skin that vitamin E and carotenoids can't reach enabling more powerful, COMPLETE skin cell protection.

7-Pycnogenol- A new age antioxidant, this supplement is slowly proving to be an effective anti-aging remedy. It works by delaying aging and slowing the rate at which skin, the cardiovascular tissues and organs break down.

8-Alpha Lipoic Acid- Another new age antioxidant supplement. Not only does this acid forestall the degeneration of cells, it also boosts the antioxidant powers of vitamins C and E.

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What are the best ways to relieve stress?

Question by EEE: What are the best ways to relieve stress?
I go to an extremely demanding private high school and I am very focused on my sports. I feel overwhelmed all of the time.

Best answer:

Answer by Justin O
Yoga. that stuff is like crack.

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Wednesday, June 19, 2013

How can I get rid of dark circles under my eyes?

Question by Sara S: How can I get rid of dark circles under my eyes?
I have dark circles under my eyes. I have tried eye creams from Wal-Mart and non of them help. I don't want to pay a lot of money unless I know it works. I have tried looking it up on the internet and I can't seem to find anything please help.

Best answer:

Answer by bummedlover
You can't really get rid of it fast. I heard that cold tea bags, cucumbers can help reduce the puffiness and circles. The only thing you can resort to now is eye concealer.

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Is Grape Seed Extract the same as Grape Pips?

Question by love my dog: Is Grape Seed Extract the same as Grape Pips?
Both are supplements- do they offer the same health benefits?

Best answer:

Answer by oldtimekid2
Not exactly, no. Grape Pips are the seeds of the grapes... just a different name that would be more common in England.
The main difference is that Grape Seed Extract would be a higher potency than just the Grape Seeds. They would have the same benefit, the extract would just have more of it because it's a higher potency. Good luck and I hope I helped!

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Monday, June 17, 2013

What under-eye dark circle correctors work?

Question by Cat: What under-eye dark circle correctors work?
Looking primariy for over the counter products

Best answer:

Answer by Danielle L
i duno how dark they are but have u tried the eye covers that go in the freezer?those helped so much just wear for like a half hour at nite, also potatoes instead of cucumbers...that has helped but isnt awesome.goodluck, hope i helped a lil!!!

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Collagen supplements give me a headache?!?

Question by Carla S: Collagen supplements give me a headache?!?
I started taking a collagen supplement 4 days ago, taking 3 capsules two times a day, a total of 6 grams a day. It says to take on an empty stomach, but I never have an empty stomach (besides when I wake up in the morning) so I take them 2 hours after eating. But I noticed that for 3 times it gave me a headache a few minutes after I take the capsules. Is this normal? Should I experiment another brand or should I just don´t take collagen supplements because of the side effects?

Best answer:

Answer by Healer (not the dog kind)
Carla, stop taking that supplement. Collagen is too big molecule to be getting through the skin , so even in creams is useless. In capsules, through your digestive system it will be just broken down to its building blocks, to amino acids. It will be no longer a collagen once it is through your stomach. It is a gimmick. Don't waste your money on it.

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Sunday, June 16, 2013

What are herbs and vitamins to help give reilef to an anxious soul?

Question by lil sammy: What are herbs and vitamins to help give reilef to an anxious soul?
Hi. I have a few ugly thing happening in my family, and would love to know about home remedies to just bring on some calm. I already use an antidepressant and sleep aid, but would like to think a nice tea or something could be of help.
Thanks for any advice on this, I appreciate it :)

Best answer:

Answer by mikewonaus
Drop the anti-depressant / sleep aid drugs! Lemme say it again ~
Drop the anti-depressant / sleep aid drugs!
& then do plenty of exercise.
If, after plenty of exercise, there's still a need to quell anxiousness, try a beer, wine or a shot of scotch if yer old enuff.
Drop the anti-depressant / sleep aid drugs!
Best wishes!

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Friday, June 14, 2013

How can i get rid of/ make my stretch marks look better?

Question by p8ntbllr234: How can i get rid of/ make my stretch marks look better?
I am a15 year old male and seem to have devolped strecth marks on my side near my hips. I am 6 foot 1 and weigh around 210 but lift weights alot. I don't know if it's because im over weight or not. What is a good way to make these marks look better? it really is affecting my dating life. Thanks in advecnace

Best answer:

Answer by kerbea08
Don't go buy any serum or cream or anything like that. The only thing that will minimize the appearance of these marks is time. I am a very thin 23 year old woman and I had a baby which caused me to have stretch marks in the same area. It's been about 2 years now and they are still there but the redness of them has definitely gone down. Good Luck! Use cream on the rest of your body however, to prevent any more marks from appearing. Keeping your skin hydrated with lotion/(body cream is best) will allow your skin to retain its elasticity

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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

What are your thoughts about Collagen?

Question by Thomas: What are your thoughts about Collagen?
So I went to Cost-Co the other day and they were giving out samples of Collagen Type 1,2, and 3 and I just never heard about taking this as a supplement I always thought Collagen was in your knee caps and that's what lubricates your joints. What are your thoughts on Collagen do you think I need to take it. Im 20 years old 210lbs 6'8

Best answer:

Answer by Yahoo
I like it

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best way to get rid of under eye circles?

Question by trckrunner089: best way to get rid of under eye circles?
i already have amazing concealer, but i hate having to put on makeup everytime i leave the house and feel like i have to because i look so tired all the time. i think i just have deep - set eyes.

anything besides makeup that will help?

Best answer:

Answer by ihartstewie!
tea bags dipped in heated lemon juice-15 min b4 bed-every nite one week-works wonders;P!

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Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Have you ever taken pycnogenol supplements?

Question by DAISEY MAI: Have you ever taken pycnogenol supplements?
They claim many athletes take 'em for better performance because it's good the the joints, and some people take it for arthiritis, and it's supposed to be good for skin/collagen building over a few months.
have u ever noticed a difference if u took the pycnogenols for any of these reasons?
they are not drugs. They are supplements you get at the health food store

Best answer:

Answer by allen g
no i dont do any drugs i am drug free

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Monday, June 10, 2013

How to grow hair longer and thicker?

Question by Aaliyah: How to grow hair longer and thicker?
So, I'm thirteen years old, African-American and my hair goes to my arm-pits. My hair used to be mid-rib cage, or right below chest area, and thick. Since I had surgery for scoliosis (at ten years old) and took Oxycontin, (in the hospital and a month after for pain)it started to thin, and break off to my arm-pits. I was also basically anorexic from the pills for about 3 weeks. That would of had something to do it? It doesn't break anymore, but has been this thin and short for two and a half years now since it started to break off. I currently take collagen and B vitamins including biotin, comb my hair daily and wash it weekly. It still isn't growing (as far as I know, visually).

Is there anyway to grow my hair thick and back to that point in ...say six months?


Best answer:

Answer by Tammy
I'm glad your scoliosis was treated. I'm African-American too. So, I would tell you to make sure the shampoo and conditioner you are using is natural. Ex: Carol's Daughter is what I use.
Do Scalp Massages Nightly (with oil: use rosemary oil, olive oil, jojoba oil, and vitamin e oil) you can also do a scalp massage without these oils. But I reccomend doing the oils because it opens your pours and speeds up growth.
Also make sure the pills you are taking has MSM, silica, biotin of course, and folic acid.
I'm also on a a 6 month hair journey, for prom. I hope we both meet our goals. Good luck!

Btw if your doing the oil treatment, mix them together, do not add them into your hair seperatly

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Sunday, June 9, 2013

What are the effects of taking collagen supplements at age 18?

Question by John: What are the effects of taking collagen supplements at age 18?

Best answer:

Answer by Peach
Im 50 and well preserved. Supplements are NOT necessary if you have a decent diet of Fruits vegetables Carbs and moderate amounts of protein. The only thing we are seeking collagen for is in our late 30s we dont want wrinkles so we put it around our eyes..
Self preservation is good diet exercise and POSITIVE OUTLOOK in life. and it doesnt hurt when you have a group of supportive people around you too.!

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How do i get rid of the dark circles under my eyes?

Question by greetingsfromvenus: How do i get rid of the dark circles under my eyes?
aside from sleeping early, of course.
i need other solutions.

Best answer:

Answer by Leila H
you can get really good eye creams and gels. go for ones that contain natural ingredients. they are always better for your skin. cucumber is good so try buying one with cucumber as a main ingredient or use slices of it on your eyes. there is a reason for it during a massage.

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how do i get my hair to grow faster?

Question by guitarchick252: how do i get my hair to grow faster?
Simply how it is! How can i get my hair to grow faster? I really want long hair. I'm taking these vitamins that are like hair skin and nails vitamins, and i've noticed a difference in my hair growing faster! But i was just wondering if there was anything else i could do to speed up the process!

Best answer:

Answer by SYK0 BRAT ! ! !

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Saturday, June 8, 2013

Is there a cream or a facewash I can use to take preventive measures against crows feet and aging skin?

Question by It's just D.: Is there a cream or a facewash I can use to take preventive measures against crows feet and aging skin?
I'm 28 and I am not showing any signs of wrinkles or crows feet, but I think I should start to use creams or facewash to prevent (at least for now) lines, crows feet etc. Right now, my routine is very basic. I wash my face with clean and clear deep action cream cleanser, but I don't use any face cream. I don't really wear make-up either. Any suggestions?

Best answer:

Answer by bamz1280
Yes, There is a good one by GLYMED is for aging skin... I am 27 and I use it.. It is okay to use everyday.. You can oder it online! It comes in a green/blue bottle with a pump..

What do you think? Answer below!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

What undereye cream really does work?For dark circles, broken veins, fine lines?

Question by notsoanonymousiguess: What undereye cream really does work?For dark circles, broken veins, fine lines?
I am 31 and starting to get those little fine lines under my eyes. i also have dark circles. Is there any cream or combination of creams that really works? Mostly for the dark circles....if i could minimize those i would not care too much for the cracks.
Is there any cosmetic procedure that plastic surgeon or dermatologist can do if creams fail. i really hate the circles. I would be very pretty if it were not for those ugly things!! Also is there any cream for those broken capillaries in the face? Especially the ones under the eyes....can they fix the ones under the eyes with laser or is it to close to the eyeball to laser them? I have tried Eyederma...has not helped.

Best answer:

Answer by J D
I'm 27 and I use and love Arbonne's NutriMinC Re9 Anti-Aging line, in particular, the corrective eye creme. Their products are specifically formulated with exceptionally high EUROPEAN STANDARDS of quality to reduce the affects of sun damage, decrease fine lines and wrinkles, while it works to combat the visual signs of aging. The system consists of botanically based products that contain natural collagens (hyaluronic acid), giving your skin a natural lift and others to deeply condition and hydrate your skin. They're all pure, safe, beneficial, hypoallergenic, dermatologist tested, and formulated without alcohol, wax, dyes, chemicals, fragrances, acetone, or mineral oil which makes them perfect for all skin types. They're unlike any others on the market as they are formulated in Switerland and made with all 9 KEY anti-aging elements (KOJIC ACID, NANOSPHERES, COPPER, VITAMIN C, ALPHA & BETA HYDROXY ACIDS, PEPTIDES, BIO-HYDRIA, ELHIBIN & STIMUTEX, and ALPHA LIPOIC ACID), giving you maximum benefit.

Their products are also formulated with nanosphere technology which makes them beneficial for all skin types and adjusts to your skins specific needs by applying more moisture in dry areas and less is oily areas. Research shows that 6 months continued use of this system will give a 68% decrease in DEEP density lines and wrinkles; however I started to notice results within a week or two.

Arbonne even has products for your entire body including a hydrating body wash, body serum, hydrating body lotion, and essential fatty acid dietary supplement, a concentrated blend of flaxseed oil, CoQ10 and beneficial elements to support younger-looking skin and good health ... from the inside, out ... and formulated in a vegetarian capsule. It's made of Flaxseed oil, vitamins A, C, E, Coenzyme Q10, alpha lipoic acid. I love the NutriMinC Re9 Anti-Aging Body Serum and Hydrating Body Lotion.

If you're interested in learning more, I'll be happy to help you.

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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Are there any good vegan dog cupcake recipes?

Question by Jenna F: Are there any good vegan dog cupcake recipes?
So, my dog, Madison will be 7 tomorrow and i need some help. I have no clue what to make her, for the past years I have made her a cake but it contains eggs. I have recently become vegan and I was wondering if there were any recipes for dog cake/cupcakes that does not have any dairy or eggs in it. I know that they will taste different to me, but I have eaten the stuff in the past, and its not too bad! ;]
anyways, thanks or your help!

Best answer:

Answer by Jamaican QT™
I have no idea what a dog cake is, but if you're looking for recipes, try http://www.vegweb.com
Amost everything I've wanted to make vegan, I've been able to find on that site.

Edit: What do you know? They actually have one: http://vegweb.com/index.php?topic=32806.0

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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

What you can use to take off a lil bit of appearance of stretch marks?

Question by casandra s: What you can use to take off a lil bit of appearance of stretch marks?

Best answer:

Answer by Marry
Over-the-counter formulations and brands that use Vitamin C are fast becoming popular as stretch marks remedy. They can increase collagen production on the skin which is very helpful especially on early stages of stretch marks. Vitamin C supplements at 500mg a day will also be good for your skin.

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can taking collagen supplements increase chances for scarring?

Question by tyler: can taking collagen supplements increase chances for scarring?

or make you more prone to scarring?

Best answer:

Answer by HermitSoul
It good for nothing to be honest

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Monday, June 3, 2013

I'm getting a cyst cut out and if I take certain vitamins will that speed up the healing?

Question by Michael: I'm getting a cyst cut out and if I take certain vitamins will that speed up the healing?
I'm getting a cyst cut out and I'm going to Europe around 26 days after I get it cut out. I'm going to be getting stitches and was wondering if I take certain vitamins will that speed up the healing? Like taking vitamin E and stuff like that? What vitamins should I take?
Should I take berroca with a mens daily vitamin?

Best answer:

Answer by Hygencide
Vitamin C is Important for tissue healing. Eat fruits as well. Not because of the vitamins but because fruits are pretty awesome.

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How do I get rid of these hidious dark circles??

Question by ♥Lulu- IS BACK♥: How do I get rid of these hidious dark circles??
Oh damn! I don't know why i have them, but Im getting very P-O'ed!!

Best answer:

Answer by xoxnancee
Bags under your eyes?
VITA-K! It works, trust me.

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Sunday, June 2, 2013

How long does vitamin E cream take to heal scars?

Question by b e r r y: How long does vitamin E cream take to heal scars?
I bought Vitamin E cream and it says it contains the effective emollients Vitamin E,Aloe Vera,Wheat Germ,Sunflower Seed Oil,Collagen and Elastin.Would this help heal an acne scar?If so how often should I apply the cream to the scar and how long will it take to heal?

Best answer:

Answer by Fleur
a few months. (1 -3 months) depending on the type of scar.

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Why should vitamin c be taken after myofascial release?

Question by Trina: Why should vitamin c be taken after myofascial release?
I heard that after having a myofascial release treatment done that a person should take vitamin c. Why should you do this? What does it do for the body?

Best answer:

Answer by Brad Sevey
vitamin c boosts the immune system

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Saturday, June 1, 2013

What can I take to help my skin stay elastic?

Question by Sarsa Parilla: What can I take to help my skin stay elastic?
I'm entering my later 20s and I would like to take supplements to help keep skin elastic, but I don't know which

Best answer:

Answer by JEAN
Some of the ways that will help your skin stay supple and look younger as you get older would be to stay out of the sun without protection and no tanning beds. Drink plenty of water. Watch your diet. Eat well balanced foods.You make want to apply moisturizer.Personal daily Hygiene is a must You should also develop an exercise program. These things may sound as you'd be working at it all the time but it really does not take that much time and reaping the benefits are great. Keep your mind busy also. Good Luck!.

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what is the best product to treating serious acne?

Question by ju ju ju juice: what is the best product to treating serious acne?
ok i tried so many things in stores and even went to the doctor but nothing has worked. i really want to solve this problem.plz help!

Best answer:

Answer by bmac
Then you need to go back to the doctor. I assume you mean a dermatologist.....right? There are many medications...oral and topical.....that can be tried. It may just take trying a couple to get the right combination for your skin. I've been there before. I finally got the right antibiotic and topical cream and my skin cleared up beautifully. And mine had been REALLY bad as a teen. I mean the kind where you are too embarrassed to go to school. It's stayed beautiful, too.

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