Kollagen Intensiv

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Im 22 and need to lose about 100 pounds. If there a chance that since I am still young my skin wont sag?

Question by SBN: Im 22 and need to lose about 100 pounds. If there a chance that since I am still young my skin wont sag?
My mother had weight loss surgery when she was in her late 20's and the skin did not shrink, but she claims it was due to the rapid weight loss (over 130 pounds in 6 months).

Best answer:

Answer by Michelle Zalbo
If you lose the weight slowly - your chances are better that your skin will go back to normal.....

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. Your mom is right that rapid weight loss will make it more likely for you to have the saggy skin. Losing weight gradually gives your skin a chance to gradually shrink too.

    The whole saggy skin thing is also somewhat genetic. However, even if your skin is a little saggy it's still better to be healthy rather than overweight and unhealthy.

  2. Because you are young your skin is elastic and won't sag as much as it would on an older person. Your mother is right; rapid weight loss does not allow the skin a chance to "catch up". But sagging skin is healthier than excess weight.

  3. if it's extremely rapid i highly doubt you could avoid the sag...if you go slower there is a slight chance you won't get it but basically your skin will most likely have at least a slight sag

  4. I know someone who went from about 280 to 117 and they exercised (and weight trained) the entire time. She also had surgery but had minimal sag I think because she had muscles that were filling out what would have been sag. She also stayed ultra hydrated to help skin elasticity. Don't let skin sag be a deterrent. Losing a 100 lbs is work a little sag!

  5. Well there is no guarantee. But as long as you do gradual weight loss and let your skin adjust to your new body just as it did when you gained it then you will have much better luck.

    Also you need to be properly hydrated the entire time, get proper nutrition, and use other products like lotion and oil and good soaps to help keep our skin really healthy. For proper hydration take your body weight and divide by 2 and that is how many ounces of water you need. Add another 8 ounces for every 20 minutes of exercise too. Get a real good multi vitamin too. Add to it extra anti oxidents, espcially C and E. Get your essential fatty acids like fish oil and flaxseed oil. A supplement for skin that contains biotin, collagen, and grapeseed extract will be good too.

  6. your skin won't sag but be sure to lose weight the proper way c;
