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Monday, December 9, 2013

How many years does it take to get rid of cellulite of your bum and thighs?

Question by WWETNAFAN: How many years does it take to get rid of cellulite of your bum and thighs?
help please, ive had it since i was 11, im 14 now and im very healthy i dont understand

Best answer:

Answer by ClickMaster
Here's the sad truth about cellulite. Cellulite is not fat, it's a genetic-based condition involving an uneven distribution of adipose and collagen tissues and once you have it, you will probably have it for life. However, because cellulite involves fat, you may be able to reduce the prominence of it by burning fat. Unfortunately, cellulite seems to present in those areas where fat tends to leave last...buttocks and thighs. So, reducing the cellulite effect will, for most people, require burning excess fat to a very low body fat percent....something which usually means a serious lifestyle change and commitment to proper eating habits for life with no guarantees.

Exercise won't help beyond burning a few more calories so plan your workouts around fitness goals such as excellence in a sport or occupation, strength, endurance, flexibility, systemic fitness, general health and well being, body sculpting, body composition, etc. Don't exercise with the hope it will help make cellulite disappear because it won't.

Here's an excerpt from an article from the US National Institute of Health, the people your doctor listens to.

"A great deal of money is spent by people who want to rid themselves of cellulite, but no amount of weight loss, exercise, massages, wraps, creams, supplements, or surgery has proven to effectively eliminate it once you have it. Liposuction, for instance, is not recommended for cellulite, and may even make it look worse."
Ref: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/002033.htm

Check out these links and see what the experts have to say.

Good luck and good health!!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. It's depends on various things how long it will take. I mean what you eat, drink and physical activity.
    You should adopt a healthy food diet plan and say good-bye to junk food at least for few months. If you will do hard work on diet it will give you some visible results. Also you should control the cellulite before it goes at 3rd stage, becuase it's very hard to overcome from this stage.

  2. Hello dear,
    Try some easy way to remove cellulite.

    • Yoga and deep breathing is an exercise that you can practice to help you smooth out cellulite.

    • To help you reduce the cellulite, build muscle with the employment of resistance coaching. you’ll do lunges, squats, leg curls and presses. Exercises like swimming, walking, stair stepping and even dancing will facilitate burn calories and these exercises can help remove cellulite from the legs. You’ll do any exercise that increase muscle and burn calories.

    • Try cellulite massages. The treatment is fairly easy and is way sort of a normal massage. You need to apply a moderate to heavy pressure to the cellulite area, using the palms, fingers and or knuckles to firmly massage the area. The massage can increase blood circulation permitting the body to scrub out the toxins victimization the bodies natural waste system.
