Kollagen Intensiv

Monday, September 30, 2013

How can I get rid of my white stretch marks??

Question by Myriada M: How can I get rid of my white stretch marks??
I have white stretch marks on my buttocks !! I can't wear a bikini in public because of them!!
I heard that fresh red stretch marks can go away by applying cremes but mine are 7 years old and white? Does anyone know how I can at least reduce them? I wouldn't mind even undergoing laser surgery? Does anyone know if laser works.. does it also work on white stretch marks??

Thanks :)

Best answer:

Answer by Shelly93
hey mine are like reddish- blue and i tried coco butter but that just gave me a rash.... idk but i would talk to a dermatologist!

Add your own answer in the comments!


  1. I wish i knew cuz ive got them too!!!

  2. dont worry ur not alone. i have them all over, and i am definatlely not fat. there are lotions that reduce them. any scar remover product can help. i wouldnt get surgery for white stretch marks. seriously, you shouldnt stress that much. they are more common than you think, but you may not notice them on other people as they probably wouldnt on you.

  3. Brush your skin with a loofah or skin brush when you shower to stimulate circulation.

    Massage cocoa butter into the stretch marks.

    Use vitamin E oil on your stretch marks. Massage it into your skin after a shower.

    Talk to your doctor about using tretinoin cream on stretch marks. It is available by prescription only.

    Eat foods high in vitamins A, E and C, or take supplements in addition to your diet.

    Add foods or supplements to your diet that are high in zinc, which is good for the skin, and silica (beets, brown rice, bell peppers, soybeans, leafy green vegetables and whole grains), which helps form collagen, the supporting fibers in the skin.

    Eat foods that contain essential fatty acids, which help make cell walls. Essential fatty acids can be found in many vegetables, vegetable oils and fish oils.

    Lasers have shown some promise in reducing the appearance of stretch marks. They seem to work best on stretch marks that are still fairly new and are red or purple in color.

    Check your local supermarket or drugstore for commercial creams such as Belly Butter, a moisturizing and replenishing maternity body cream.

    Try Retin-A (Tretinoin) – 0.1% Tretinoin creams have been shown to significantly reduce the appearance of stretch marks in a study published in the May 1996 Archives of Dermatology. See your doctor for a prescription. These creams work best when used on fresh stretch marks.

    Try Stretch Mark Creams and Lotions – Using creams and lotions that heal and beautify your skin can reduce the appearance of stretch marks. The following ingredients are widely accepted as beneficial for this purpose:

    * Cocoa butter
    * Rose hip oil
    * Emu oil
    * Jojoba oil
    * Castor oil
    * Shea butter
    * Vitamin A, E & C

    Use Vic’s Vapor Rub – Many people have reported success using Vic’s Vapor rub by applying it to a washcloth or paper towel and rubbing it forcefully into the scarred skin on a nightly basis for a few weeks.

    Increase Circulation – by taking hot baths and massaging the areas regularly.

    Try Tanning – Go sunbathing! Tanning can diminish and even eliminate minor stretch marks. Be sure to use sun screen.

    Vitamin E Gel – Break open vitamin E capsules and rub the oil into the skin over the stretch marks daily for 2 weeks.

    I hope you found this useful :)

  4. I got them too, i think. Well there's a nice range of palmolive cocoa butters in tesco and boots and stuff, i use them to moisturise, but they seem to tighten skin nicely :) x Smells nice too :D x

  5. Even with sophisticated plastic surgery, it is difficult to remove stretch marks. Really, the only way to get rid of them completely is to cut out the skin (as in a tummy tuck). Why don't you just accept them as part of your body? Battle scars if you will? :) Almost EVERY woman has them. That is just a fact of life. Real women are not airbrushed like the ones in magazines and on tv.

  6. Stretch marks and scars can be removed by massaging cocoa butter, shea butter, Vitamin E oil or taking Vitamin E capsules. More home remedies are listed at

  7. Your diet can also help reduce your stretch marks. Eating food high in zinc and silica will help with your collagen formation. Also, eating foods with essential fatty acids, such as certain vegetables and fish oils, help form cell walls. Eating foods high in vitamins A, C, and E will also help.

    Another solution to reduce stretch marks is laser surgery. This can become an incredibly expensive process, but is also very effective. The laser actually removes the destroyed layers of skin and helps stimulate collagen growth. Unfortunately, it can only detect your stretch marks if they still have their reddish, brownish coloring to them. The laser cannot detect stretch marks that are more flesh colored.

    Find out more abt getting rid of stretch marks from here: http://stretch-marks.my-fashion-house.com/
