Kollagen Intensiv

Monday, September 9, 2013

How do i get rid of stretch marks? I have them on my stomach, lower back, and breasts.?

Question by crazy_psu: How do i get rid of stretch marks? I have them on my stomach, lower back, and breasts.?

Best answer:

Answer by MJ
Once you have them you can't get rid of them. All you can do is keep the area hydrated to preven them from spreading. The person who comes up with something to get rid of them is going to get rich fast.

What do you think? Answer below!


  1. hiya, you sound just like me lol ur not alone :( you can buy products like bio oil or palmers cocoa butter which are supposed to help improve the
    appearance of scars, stretch marks and uneven skin tone.

    They are quite popular, i would give it a go, theres no harm in trying

    K x.

  2. get some bio oil from boots- its amazing !!!good for everywhere and you can put it in the bath or apply it direct. and its quick too.

  3. * Skin Creams and Lotions – Lotions containing cocoa butter are rumored to not only help reduce stretch marks, but to help prevent them entirely. Any cream or oil that is made specifically for the prevention or treatment of stretch marks will help keep your skin healthy and elastic.

    * Vitamin A, E & C – Supplementing these vitamins may help increase the strength and elasticity of the collagen within your skin and reducing your chance of forming stretch marks.

    * Stay hydrated.

    # Time – Stretch marks, like all types of scarring fade over time.

    # Retin-A (Tretinoin) – 0.1% Tretinoin creams have been shown to significantly reduce the appearance of stretch marks. These creams work best when used on fresh stretch marks.

    # Exfoliate daily – use a loofah or scrunchy to remove daily.

    # Stretch Mark Creams and Lotions – Using creams and lotions that heal and beautify your skin can reduce the appearance of stretch marks. The following ingredients are widely accepted as beneficial for this purpose:

    * Cocoa butter
    * Rose hip oil
    * Emu oil
    * Jojoba oil
    * Castor oil
    * Shea butter
    * Vitamin A, E & C

    # Vic’s Vapor Rub – Many people have reported success using Vic’s Vapor rub by applying it to a washcloth or paper towel and rubbing it forcefully into the scarred skin on a nightly basis for a few weeks.

    # Increase Circulation – by taking hot baths and massaging the areas regularly.

    # Tanning – Go sunbathing! Tanning can diminish and even eliminate minor stretch marks. Be sure to use sun screen.

    # Vitamin E Gel – Break open vitamin E capsules and rub the oil into the skin over the stretch marks daily for 2 weeks.

  4. Massaging on the stretch marks serves as an excellent home remedy for stretch marks removal. You can either use olive oil, flaxseed oil, vitamin E oil or cod liver oil for the purpose of massage. Check out http://useinfo-stretchmarks.blogspot.com/ for more useful info.
