Kollagen Intensiv

Friday, July 26, 2013

How can i prevent varicose veins?

Question by 'mY_bLeSSy: How can i prevent varicose veins?
i'm afraid of having varicose veins, so as early as now i want to know how to prevent it.

Best answer:

Answer by J. P
exercise....standinf for long periods of time over years can cause this. If you do this then the best thing to do is to always make sure your feet are elevated when you get home. Vericose veins are caused by poor circulation so exercise is #1

What do you think? Answer below!


  1. Well you could try wearing support hose. It helps if you stand on your feet all day at work. But as you age, you get those. Unless you have a way of not aging, then that's just a part of it unfortunately.

  2. Varicose veins often occur in older people, they're caused by blood pooling in the leg veins due to long periods of inactivity. The condition can also be passed down genetically. The best way to avoid them is to remain active and sit with your feet raised.

  3. if you stand to long you can get vericose veins and if you sit to long you can get them as well there really is no way to prevent them. I' only 22 and i already have varicose veins from carrying my 1st child.

  4. You can prevent the variscose veins in your legs (you can get them anywhere) my not crossing your legs or sitting in one position for too long; keeping your weight normal and getting some moderate exercise. Usually we women get varicose veins from pregnancies. The blood pools up and damages the valves in the vein and it starts to balloon. Sitting in cars and airplanes can take it's toll also. Just get out and take a little walk up and down the isles or stop and walk every couple of hours or so. If you're young, you have lots of time to keep those veins healthy. Godloveya.

  5. Don't smoke.........get exercise......and try not to stand for long periods

  6. Varicose veins can't truely be prevented, but they can be kept at bay by exercizing and having a healthy diet that contains plenty of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Hope this 12-year-old can help you!

  7. You can't prevent varicose veins & they occur in women of all ages. I started getting varicose veins at the age of 22. I am very active but probably prone due to genetics. To help prevent as many, don't cross your legs while sitting, support hose, exercise, & try not standing for long periods of time.

  8. Varicose veins run in families and are more common in women.
    Besides heredity, what brings on problems?

    Sometimes varicose veins first occur during pregnancy because of hormonal changes and increased pressure in the veins caused by the expanding uterus.

    Obesity, menopause, aging, constipation and repeated abdominal strain, as well as heavy lifting, may contribute.

    Long periods of standing and sitting with the legs bent and crossed make them worse.

    Preventive measures against Varicose Veins:

    1.Along with a high fiber diet and regular exercise, the use of cayenne, garlic, onion, ginger, and bromelain are suggested.
    constipation is one of the leading causes of varicose veins, although it may initially be hard to see the connection. Constipation may restrict the blood as it returns to the torso through the deep veins in the legs. Straining to have a bowel movement closes off these veins. As the blood backs up it takes another course through superficial veins, thus the blue streaks in the legs. A diet low in fat and high in fiber is best for promoting regularity: reorganize your diet to include plenty of low-fat foods, grains, fresh fruit and vegetables. A diet tending towards vegan/raw-food generally satisfies all these requirements; vegetarians should watch their fat intake.

    2.Also, flavonoids are useful in strengthening connective tissue (especially capillaries). They help keep tissues from falling apart.

    3.The anthocyanidins and proanthocyanidins should be supplemented as they are the strongest acting of the flavonoids. Rutin has only a little collagen-stabilizing effect.

    4.Since increasing the integrity of the wall of the vein may also reduce the risk of developing varicose veins, it appears that flavonoid-rich berries, such as hawthorne berries, cherries, blueberries, and blackberries are beneficial in the prevention and treatment of varicose veins. These berries are very rich sources of proanthocyanidins and anthocyanidins.

    5. Aerobic exercise- benefit for the circulatory system
    6. Stretching exercise, e.g. yoga
    7. Low fat diet
