Kollagen Intensiv

Monday, July 1, 2013

Can the foods you eat and the exercise you participate in, reduce your risk for osteoporosis or not?

Question by Rikia: Can the foods you eat and the exercise you participate in, reduce your risk for osteoporosis or not?
If so, what types of lifestyle choices can reduce your risk?

Best answer:

Answer by La Finita
Calcium rich food, 1500 mg per day, food or supplements plus weight bearing exercise helps. Lack of food, in general, hurts. What calcium is in leafy greens and if it is absorbed is still being researched. Until then, food with added calcium and the above recommendation. Walking causes reverberations in the bones. Bones respond with becoming stronger and sending calcium there when signaled. That's why doctors recommend walking daily 30 minutes rather than swimming which is not weight bearing. A friend of age 22 had early onset osteoporosis. I wonder if it was due to low weight, and consequently little food or lack of milk. Osteoporosis is also genetic.

Add your own answer in the comments!

1 comment:

  1. Here is some useful information for osteoporosis diet tips and supplements

    Calcium for Osteoporosis

    The bones need a constant supply of calcium – a mineral that makes up the substance of the bone. It can be acquired in the diet through foods such as :

    - Dairy including milk, cheese and yogurt.
    - Leafy dark green vegetables like kale.
    - Fish with soft bones like tinned sardines and canned pink salmon.
    - Soya and soybean products like tofu.
    - Fortified foods particularly cereals like oatmeal.

    Calcium is absorbed from the gut and requires the presence of another micronutrient – vitamin D. Although adequate calcium intake through food is possible, sometimes supplements may be a better option.

    Calcium Dose for Seniors

    Women up to 50 years of age = 1,000 milligrams per day
    Men up to 70 years of age = 1,000 mg per day
    Women older than 50 years = 1,200 mg per day
    Men older than 70 years = 1,200 mg per day

    Vitamin D for Osteoporosis

    Normally this supply of vitamin D is sufficient for bone health. Additional vitamin D is also sourced from foods such as :

    - Oily fish
    - Eggs
    - Animal liver

    Vitamin D Dose for Seniors

    There is no specific dose of vitamin D that is suitable for osteoporosis prevention. Doses between 600 to 800 IU appears to be sufficient. In severe vitamin D deficiency, the dose may be increased to as high as 4,000 IU.

    Healthy Eating Tips for Osteoporosis

    - Protein is another important nutrient for bone health as much of the bone is composed of collagen. Fortunately protein can be sourced in adequate quantities from many of the same foods rich in calcium and vitamin D.

    - Carbonated beverages have a substance known as phosphoric acid which increases calcium loss in the urine.

    - Salt can cause slow loss of calcium over time. It should be used minimally in food and salty foods especially processed and preserved foods should therefore be avoided.

    - Caffeine promotes calcium loss from the bone and should therefore be drank in small quantities. Apart from coffee and tea, caffeine is also abundant in certain carbonated beverages like cola soft drinks.

    - Soy is a rich source of calcium but when consumed in excess, it can also contribute to weakening of the bones. The key to eating soy when at risk of osteoporosis is to practice moderation.
