Kollagen Intensiv

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Are there any good vegan dog cupcake recipes?

Question by Jenna F: Are there any good vegan dog cupcake recipes?
So, my dog, Madison will be 7 tomorrow and i need some help. I have no clue what to make her, for the past years I have made her a cake but it contains eggs. I have recently become vegan and I was wondering if there were any recipes for dog cake/cupcakes that does not have any dairy or eggs in it. I know that they will taste different to me, but I have eaten the stuff in the past, and its not too bad! ;]
anyways, thanks or your help!

Best answer:

Answer by Jamaican QT™
I have no idea what a dog cake is, but if you're looking for recipes, try http://www.vegweb.com
Amost everything I've wanted to make vegan, I've been able to find on that site.

Edit: What do you know? They actually have one: http://vegweb.com/index.php?topic=32806.0

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

1 comment:

  1. For one thing, why are you imposing your morals on your dog? Dogs need 3x the amount of protein that humans do, and they can't get enough of it by eating beans and other vegan foods. They can't even break down the collagen in raw plant matter--they are obligate omnivores who lean towards more meat in their diets, and do not have the proper gut bacteria needed to process plant-derived foods.

    When dogs eat dog food, the most important component is making sure that the food meets safety standards. The primary agency that addresses this in the US is the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO). Any pet food should be AAFCO certified in order to meet a dog’s health needs. Further, studies on dogs that are vegetarian have shown dogs to be lacking in basic nutritional needs, particularly calcium.

    It may be possible to supplement vegetarian dog food with the appropriate vitamin and mineral supplements so that the dog’s diet is balanced. This should be done under supervision of a veterinarian. After switching a dog to vegetarian dog food, one should have the dog examined one to two months later to have general health evaluated.

    Signs that a dog may not be tolerating vegetarian dog food well include vomiting or diarrhea, hair loss, loss of energy, or merely appearing “off-color.” One of the most common replacements to protein provided by meat in most dog foods is soy protein. Some dogs, like some people, do not tolerate soy well.

    Further problems with vegetarian dog food may be encountered if the dog food contains no meat byproducts, like eggs, for example, and is completely vegan. While some dogs can do very well with vegetarian dog food, many dogs do not respond well to a completely vegan diet. It is very challenging, even with supplements, to completely meet a dog’s nutritional requirements with vegan food.
