Kollagen Intensiv

Saturday, June 29, 2013

How important is it to rest your muscles? ?

Question by Sora: How important is it to rest your muscles? ?
After exercising one day, the next day my muscles are still extremely sore (despite stretching before and after). Do I really need to rest the next day? Is there a way to relieve the sore...ness?

Best answer:

Answer by EmmaSage
It is important to rest your muscles. Your body needs recovery time. Try to rest the next day, or take your workout lighter if you are sore. Good luck!

What do you think? Answer below!


  1. What weight lifters take is gluatmine - you can get it cheapest in powdered form. They probably take 5 to 10 grams a day - maybe more. And they work out every other day. The idea is to tear up your muscles - and then lay off a day and let the glutatmine to repair them. That's how you get those big muscle guys finally after years of this.

    Glutamine is an amino acid which we probably make - but we don't make all that much. So when you take more of it, it's really good at protecting muscles, rebuilding muscles - and apparently it's really good at helping somebody's poor insides who has Crone's disease - Glutamine, fish oil and vitamin E.

    Probably a good thing to rest if the muscles are very sore - and after a while, you'll probably get tough and could exercise everyday if you wanted to.

  2. yes, rest is critical so that the muscles can break down and revamp. Keep in mind you need good/sound sleep. That means DEEP sleep because your muscles and other key tissues like collagen and tendons are at work during deep sleep which is stage 3 and 4.

    There's a trick some athletes use, called GABA (supplement) but it can give you bad / vivd nightmares and your muscles feel much better the next day. It's worth a try but you gotta take like 1 or maybe 2 before bed. Read up on it if you're interested. and definitely do NOT take it if you haven't slept for a couple days cuz your dreams will be too scarey. I'm a grown man and the two times I tried it I was so freaked out because I was paralyzed in the dream and it was all black and I had to get out of somehwere. Each person's mind is different though. Anyway, I know I'm not selling it, haha. But plenty of quality sleep is the bottom line.

  3. After mass exercising do you feel your muscles like it was a heart beat well that means the muscles are growing and if you don't rest it for at least 30 minutes they will feel sore in the morning I did 50 crunches and they hurt my back in the morning my back healed in 3 days!

  4. Stop overtraining, the soreness is a sign it's injuring your muscles & prob other structures.

    Adequate rest relieves soreness assuming your diet is optimized w/ the nutrients needed for repair of the injury.

  5. Your muscles are hurting because they have been at rest far too long to begin with. Muscles should be used, not rested.

    It could be that you are doing too much too soon. You could be straining those muscles. Start slow and build up over time. Do only a few a couple of times a day and build from there. You're going to hurt but the pain will start to subside in about a week. Take a pain reliever/anti-inflammatory during that time for some relief.

    Good luck!!!
