Kollagen Intensiv

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

How to grow your hair faster?

Question by Ashtyn: How to grow your hair faster?
I really want my hair to grow but im not sure what type of products I should use. [& don't say don't straighten your hair and what not] please.

Best answer:

Answer by Geetika
Well oil would help. And keep your hair tied and covered as much as possible throughout the day, especially the ends. This way you develop less split ends and the hair grows stronger and longer.

Product wise - dahi on the head is supposedly amazing but its too icky for me to try.

Add your own answer in the comments!


  1. i think using some oils on your hair like coconut oil may help , actually it helps a lot of my friends ^^

  2. no product in the world will grow ur hair...u neeed vitamins, exercise and to eat healthy or ur hair wont grow at a normal rate

  3. Eat a balanced amount of protein everyday to keep your hair healthy. Hair is largely composed of keratin, a protein made up of amino acids. To grow new hair, your body must produce more amino acids, which it can only do from consuming protein. Also make sure to have good supplements of iron and zinc. Zinc helps your body grow and repair tissue, such as your hair, and keeps the oil glands around your hair follicles working as they should. Iron is essential for the transmission of oxygen to your cells (including your hair follicles) and helps your body use protein to build strong hair. Don't cut fat out of your diet, since your hair won't be healthy. Make sure you get your daily intake of vitamin C, which produces collagen, a fiber necessary to the production of hair growth. Vitamin C helps intake iron, which is also needed, so it's important. Make sure to also get Vitamin B, as that is needed for healthy hair. Keep low stress levels, sleep well, and most of all... be patient! If you're looking for another option, buy Rogaine at a drugstore. It's the only over the counter medicine shown to increase hair growth. Good luck!
